The biology of Australian weeds Volume 1
The biology of Australian weeds Volume 1

Edited by R.H. Groves, R.C.H. Shepherd and R.G. Richardson


Published in 1995 by R.G. and F.J. Richardson, soft cover, section sewn, 314 pages




ISBN 0646259563 or ISBN 9780646259567

  • Description
  • Table of contents

Detailed reviews on sixteen of Australia's worst weeds.


Main headings within each chapter include: name; taxonomy; description; history; distribution; habitat; growth and development; reproduction; hybrids; population dynamics; genetics; importance; legislation; weed management - herbicides, other treatments, natural enemies, integrated pest management and references.



Table of contents



Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed)

Bromus diandrus and B. rigidus (ripgut and rigid brome)

Carduus nutans ssp. nutans (nodding thistle)

Carthamus lanatus (saffron thistle)

Chondrilla juncea (skeleton weed)

Echium plantagineum (Paterson's curse, salvation Jane)

Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth)

Eremophila mitchellii (budda, sandalwood)

Hydrilla verticillata (hydrilla)

Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort)

Mimosa pigra (mimosa)

Nassella trichotoma (serrated tussock)

Reseda lutea (cut-leaf mignonette)

Salvinia molesta (salvinia)

Typha domingensis and T. orientalis (cumbungi)

Xanthium occidentale and X. spinosum (Noorgoora and Bathurst burr)

About the authors

Original publications
