Economics of blackberries: current data and rapid valuation techniques

R. JamesA and M. LockwoodB

A Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia.

B Johnstone Centre, Charles Sturt University, PO Box 789, Albury New South Wales 2640, Australia.


In the 150 years since their introduction to Australia, blackberries have spread to occupy some 8.8 m ha, occurring in all major jurisdictions except the Northern Territory. Using data from the early 1980s, the net cost of these infestations to the Australian community was determined, in 1984, to be $41.5 m. This was based on the estimated losses from primary production and the costs of the level of control conducted at the time.

The cost estimate developed in 1984 is no longer applicable because of changes in a number of the cost determinants. In addition, the estimate did not include any of the non-market costs associated with blackberry infestations. Should it prove necessary to develop updated cost information, the use of partial and inverse economic analyses would allow for relatively quick and inexpensive determination of the costs and potential benefits of blackberry.


Plant Protection Quarterly (1998) 13 (4) 175-179.