Benefits of plant protection measures against abnormal leaf fall in rubber: an exploratory analysis in India

P.K. Viswanathan, Tharian George K. and C. Kuruvilla Jacob, Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam - 686 009, Kerala, India.


This paper assesses the extent of crop loss in rubber plantations in India, measured in terms of loss in latex and timber output and its economic value and examines the comparative economics of plant protection measures against the Phytophtora induced abnormal leaf fall (ALF). It also reflects upon the policy imperatives with respect to region-specific R&D interventions on plant protection measures in India. The study demonstrates significant clonal differences in loss of latex and timber output in the absence of prophylactic spraying against ALF. The study also highlighted the need for evolving R&D interventions and agro-management/ plant protection measures for minimizing the incidence of tree loss in rubber plantations, as it amounts to loss of potential income for the dominant smallholder sector in India.

Keywords: Abnormal leaf fall, crop loss, latex yield, timber yield, discounted cash flow analysis.


Plant Protection Quarterly (2007) 22 (2) 67-71.