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Volume 1 Number 1, 1981 |
Editorial |
Why an Australian weeds journal? |
2 |
Research reports |
Studies on rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora): II Field trials using various herbicides. G.J. Harvey. |
3 |
Chemicals for non-commercial thinning of Pinus radiata by basal stem injection. G.Minko. |
5 |
Parthenium weed in the Americas. I.J. Dale. |
8 |
Postemergence control of anoda weed and hairy wandering jew in peanuts. S.R. Walker |
15 |
Reviews |
Perspectives and priorities in weed research and control. S.L. Everist. |
18 |
Weeds of Australia |
1. Salvinaceae Salvinia. |
21 |
2. Primulaceae - Scarlet pimpernel. |
22 |
3. Waterhyacinth. |
24 |
General articles |
Conservation tillage using Roundup. N.M. Tydens. |
29 |