Welcome to Weed Information

Providing information on weed identification, weed management and control including both environmental and agricultural weeds.

Incorporating RG and FJ Richardson, publishers and resellers of books related to weeds, their management and the natural environment,

and Plant Protection Quarterly, an Australian journal that publishes original papers on all aspects of plant protection.

Some recent additions to our website

Field guide to eucalypts Volume 1 Field guide to eucalypts Volume 2: South-western and Southern Australia
M.I.H. Brooker and D.A. Kleinig

This volume contains the most remarkable of the regional collections and in particular, features the colourful eucalypts of Western Australia, which are extensively used for landscaping throughout much of Australia.

Price $A130.00 plus $A13.50 postage
Eucalypts - a celebration Eucalypts - a celebration
John Wrigley and Murray Fagg

Through historic and contemporary images, Eucalypts - a celebration examines the many ways in which Eucalypts have served Aboriginal, colonial and contemporary Australians in both practical and aesthetic ways. Eucalypts have quite literally been the building blocks of our nation and this beautiful book tells their complete story for the first time.

Price $39.95 plus $A13.50 postage
Weeds, Plants and People Weeds, Plants and People
John Dwyer

Weeds, Plants and People traces the fascinating history of many common plants that we now treat as weeds. From the thistles and thorns that appear in the Bible, to the seeds eaten by Stone Age people, and the grasses and flowers brought to Australia by European settlers.

Price $A49.95 plus $A13.50 postage.
Weeds of the South-East Weeds of the South-East – an identification guide for Australia, Third edition
F.J. Richardson, R.G. Richardson and R.C.H. Shepherd

A comprehensive identification guide for weeds in the south-east region of Australia. This third edition has been fully updated and reorganised to recognise recent taxonomic changes and includes additional species, many new photographs and the latest distribution information.

Price $A79.95 plus $A13.50 postage. Now available.