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Volume 2 Number 3, 1987 |
Invited Editorial |
Crop protection and productivity - a neglected area of research. |
102 |
Research Reports |
A technique for manipulating the time of infection of wheat by Fusarium graminearum Group 1. C.M. Liddell and L.W. Burgess. |
103 |
Effect of drop trajectory on spray deposits on crop and weeds. R.G. Richardson. |
108 |
Control of Setaria sphacelata var. sericea in afforestation of pasture country with Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis. A. Costantini and M. Podberscek. |
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Screening of herbicides for the control of green couch grass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.). M.J. Lewty and T.M. Frodsham. |
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The economics of weed control: J.O.S. Kennedy. |
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Survey of weeds in field peas, chickpeas and rapeseed in the Victorian Wimmera. R.L. Amor and T.M. Francisco. |
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Seed-borne levels, chemical seed treatment and effects on seed quality following a severe outbreak of Alternaria brassicae on rapeseed in New South Wales. G.E. Stovold, R.J. Mailer and A. Francis. |
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Control of skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncea L.) with clopyralid in the South Australian Mallee: J. W. Heap and A. R. Fischle. |
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Distribution and severity of brome grass in barley crops in the Victorian Mallee. I.T. Mock . |
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Longevity of Bromus diandrus Roth. seed in soil at three sites in Western Australia. A.H. Cheam. |
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Early records of Mimosa pigra in the Northern Territory. I.L. Miller and W.M. Lonsdale. |
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