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Volume 4 Number 1, 1989 |
Editorial |
Under new management. |
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Research reports |
Siam Weed: a new threat to Australia's north. R.E. Cruttwell McFadyen. |
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Monitoring for potential leafhopper vectors (Hemiptera: Cicadclloidea and Fulgoroidea) of the causal agent of Australian Grapevine Yellows. J.A. Osmelak, R.W. Emmett and Miriam Pywell. |
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A pest management information system in Victoria. D.W.A. Lane, J.V. Yugovic, G.D. Murphy and J.R. Backholer. |
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Proceedings: Herbicides - Friends or Foes? |
The importance of weeds and the advantages and disadvantages of herbicide use. J.H. Combellack. |
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Alternatives to herbicides. Wendy C. Morgan. |
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Danish experience in initiating and implementing a policy to reduce herbicide use. Heinrich Haas. |
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Technical notes |
Rainproofing glyphosate with 'Bondcrete' cement additive for improved bitou bush control. T.M. Anderson and P.E. van Haaren. |
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