Plant Protection Quarterly |
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Volume 9 Number 2, 1994 |
Invited Editorial |
Elm leaf beetle management the California experience. Donald L. Dahlsten. |
42 |
Elm leaf beetle management symposium |
Elm leaf beetle life history and distribution in southern Victoria. Raelene M. Kwong and Ross P. Field. |
43 |
Biological control of the elm leaf beetle. Ross P. Field and Raelene M. Kwong. |
47 |
Carbaryl trunk banding for control of elm leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Victoria. Raelene M. Kwong and Ross P. Field. |
49 |
Elm leaf beetle control using the biological insecticide, Novodor® (Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. tenebrionis). Andrew J. Wells, Raelene M. Kwong and Ross Field. |
52 |
City of Melbourne's approach to elm tree management. Peter Yau. |
55 |
Getting the message across to the community. Anne Latreille. |
57 |
Dutch elm disease contingency plan. Peter Jenkins. |
59 |
Research reports |
Broomrape (Orobanche spp.) is a threat to broadleaved crops in Australia. R.J. Carter and D.A. Cooke. |
61 |
Biological control of the native shrubs Cassinia spp. using the native scale insects Austrotachardia sp. and Paratachardina sp. (Hemiptera: Kerriidae) in New South Wales. M.H. Campbell, R.H. Holtkamp, L.H. McCormick, P.J. Wykes, J.F. Donaldson, P.J. Gullan and P.S. Gillespie. |
64 |
Discussion of the extent of Australian ecological and economic data on weeds. R.D. Cousens and R.W. Medd. |
69 |
The cost of parthenium weed to the Queensland cattle industry. J.F. Chippendale and F.D. Panetta. |
73 |
An overview of a new technique in Orobanche control. Abdur-Rahman Saghir. |
77 |