Plant Protection Quarterly |
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Volume 11 Number 4, 1996 |
Research report |
Evaluation of 10 insecticides against pink ground pearl Eumargarodes laingi Jakubski (Hemiptera: Margarodidae). B.C. Dominiak, N.G. McGill and P.G. Allsopp |
134 |
Workshop: Emex australis biology, management and research |
Preface |
137 |
Predicting the distribution of Emex in Australia. P.C. Pheloung, John K. Scott and R.P. Randall. |
138 |
Doublegee (Emex australis Steinh.) seed banks. A.H. Cheam. |
141 |
Emex australis in Western Australia; an amenity or conservation problem? Greg Keighery. |
143 |
Doublegee (Emex australis) in the great southern areas of Western Australia. John Moore. |
145 |
Emex australis in northern agricultural regions of Western Australia. Christine Zaicou-Kunesch. |
145 |
Emex species in South Australia. Graham Fromm. |
146 |
Emex australis and dried vine fruit production in Sunraysia. Deidre Pohlner. |
150 |
Spiny emex (Emex australis) in the cropping zone of New South Wales. Deirdre Lemerle. |
154 |
Legal and economic constraints on Emex. David Bowran. |
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Control of Emex species. D.J. Gilbey. |
156 |
Dicamba control of Emex australis. Adam Ralph. |
157 |
Sulfonylurea chemistry on Emex australis (doublegee). Stephen Addenbrooke. |
160 |
Utilizing existing natural enemies to enhance the control of Emex australis in south-west Australia. Paul B. Yeoh and John K. Scott. |
162 |
Assessment of potential biological control insects associated with Emex spinosa. John K. Scott and Paul B. Yeoh. |
165 |
Bibliography of the weeds, Emex australis and Emex spinosa. John K. Scott and Peta Beasley. |
168 |
Workshop to identify research priorities for Emex species. John K. Scott and David G. Bowran. |
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Annual index |
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