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Australian weed management systems

Edited by Brian M. Sindel

ISBN 0958743940, published in 2000 by R.G. and F.J. Richardson, soft cover, section sewn, 506 pages

Price $A42.90 plus $A11 postage within Australia, overseas postage please request a quote

Weeds are a highly successful component of most Australian ecosystems. These include arable and grazing lands, forests, rangelands and aquatic habitats. Weeds poison and injure livestock, contaminate produce, interfere with the growth and harvesting of crops, and reduce the productivity of pastures. Moreover, weeds restrict access to, and reduce the conservation value of national parks and other natural ecosystems. This book provides the principles to help you manage weeds effectively and economically.

Australian weed management systems presents weed management systems from an Australian perspective. It discusses the threat that weeds pose and their impact on the Australian economy. It examines the tactics and capabilities that allow weeds to be as successful as they are. All available methods for their control and management are examined in detail including physical, chemical and biological systems. The question 'How well have Australians managed to integrate weed control and what is the cost of doing so?' is answered. Weed management strategies are devised for cropping systems, pastures, vegetables, orchards and vineyards, lawns and turf, plantation forests, rangelands and aquatic systems. The book concludes with a discussion of the challenges being faced and future directions for weed management.

If you are a land manager or advisor, university or college student, postgraduate, lecturer, extension worker or researcher, then this book is for you. It is the first complete exposition of weed management systems written in Australia for Australians. The authors are all leaders in their respective fields and represent all States of Australia. The Cooperative Research Centre for Weed Management Systems had the vision for this book and has provided financial backing for its production.

About the editor

Brian Sindel is Senior Lecturer in Weed Science at the University of New England (UNE) where his research focuses on the ecology and management of weeds. Prior to joining UNE he spent several years with CSIRO developing Australian native grasses for revegetation of degraded land. He also currently heads up the tertiary education subprogram in the Cooperative Research Centre for Weed Management Systems.

Table of contents