Books and CDs from WEED INFORMATION |
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11th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings - edited by R.C.H. Shepherd
12th Australian Weeds Conference proceedings - edited by A.C Bishop, M. Boersma and C.D. Barnes
13th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings - edited by H. Spafford Jacob, J. Dodd and J.H. Moore
14th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings - edited by B.M. Sindel and S.B. Johnson
15th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings - edited by C. Preston, J.H. Watts and N.D. Crossman
16th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings - edited by R.D. van Klinken, V.A. Osten, F.D. Panetta and J.C. Scanlan
300 years of botanical illustration: Australia - by Helen Hewson
Alien weeds and invasive plants: a complete guide to declared weeds and invaders in South Africa - by Lesley Henderson
Aquatic and wetland plants: a field guide for non-tropical Australia - by Nick Romanowski - OUT OF PRINT
AusGrass: Grasses of Australia - by Donovan Sharp and Bryan K. Simon
Australia burning: fire ecology, policy and management issues - edited by Geoffrey Cary, David Lindenmayer and Stephen Dovers
Australian rainforest plants. Volumes 1- 6 - by Nan and Hugh Nicholson
Australian rushes: biology, identification and conservation of Restionaceae and allied families - edited by Kathy A. Meney and John S. Pate
Australian seeds: a guide to their collection, identification and biology - edited by Luke Sweedman and David Merritt
Australian soils and landscapes an illustrated compendium - by Neil McKenzie, David Jacquier, Ray Isbell and Katharine Brown
Australian weed management systems - edited by Brian M. Sindel
Biology of Australian weeds Volume 1 - edited by R.H. Groves, R.C.H. Shepherd and R.G. Richardson
Biology of Australian weeds Volume 2 - edited by F.D. Panetta, R.H. Groves and R.C.H. Shepherd
Biology of Australian weeds Volume 3 - edited by F.D. Panetta
Botanical Latin 4th edition - by William T. Stearn
Botany for gardeners: revised edition - by Brian Capon
Bringing back the bush: the Bradley method of bush regeneration - by Joan Bradley
Burnum Burnum's WILDthings - revised edition by Geoff Sainty, John Hosking, Peter Abell, Surrey Jacobs and Mia Dalby-Ball
Bush invaders of south-east Australia - by Adam Muyt
Bush tucker field guide - by Les Hiddins
Climate change turning up the heat - by A. Barrie Pittock
Coastal plants:Perth and the South West Region - by Elizabeth Rippey and Barbara Rowland
Colour encyclopedia of ornamental grasses: sedges, rushes, restios, cat-tails and selected bamboos - by Rick Darke
Common families of flowering plants - by Michael Hickey and Clive King
Complete guide to reptiles of Australia (second edition) - by Steve Wilson and Gerry Swan
Cronin's Key Guide to Australian mammals by Leonard Cronin
Cronin's key guide to Australian reptiles and frogs by Leonard Cronin
Cronin's key guide to Australian trees by Leonard Cronin
Cronin's key guide to Australian wildflowers by Leonard Cronin
Cronin's key guide to Australian wildlife by Leonard Cronin
Crop weeds - by J.L. Wilding, A.G. Barnett and R.L. Amor
Crop weeds of northern Australia CD-ROM - by Queensland Department of Primary Industries
Declared plants of Australia - by Sheldon Navie
Dynamics of weed populations - by Roger Cousens and Martin Mortimer
Ecological engineering for pest management advances in habitat manipulation for arthropods - edited by Geoff M. Gurr, Steve D. Wratten and Miguel A. Altieri
Ecology for gardeners by Steven B. Carroll and Steven D. Salt
Edible water gardens growing water-plants for food and profit - by Nick Romanowski
Encyclopedia of Australian native plants choosing, cultivating and using them [The Random House] - by Geoff Bryant
Encyclopaedia of Australian plants suitable for cultivation Volumes 1-7 - by Rodger Elliot and David Jones
Encyclopedia of water garden plants - by Greg and Sue Speichert
Environmental weeds: a field guide for SE Australia - by Kate Blood
Environmental Weeds of
Eremophila and allied genera a monograph of the plant family Myoporaceae - by R.J. Chinnock
Eucalypts of
EUCLID: Eucalypts of Australia third edition - by M.I.H. Brooker, A.V. Slee, J.R. Connors and S.M. Duffy
Families of flowering plants of Australia, revised edition - edited by K.R. Thiele and L.G. Adams
Feral future: the untold story of Australia's exotic invaders - by Tim Low
Field companion to Australian fungi revised edition - by Bruce Fuhrer
Field guide to Australian frogs - by John Barker, Gordon C. Grigg and Michael J. Tyler
Field guide to Australian fungi - by Bruce Fuhrer
[A] field guide to Australian trees 3rd edition by Ivan Holiday
Field guide to Australian wildflowers - by Denise Greig
[The] field guide to the birds of
Field guide to the birds of Australia, Seventh edition (Simpson) - by Ken Simpson and Nicholas Day
Field guide to eucalypts Volume 1-3 - by M.I.H. Brooker and D.A. Kleinig
Field guide to frogs of Australia - by Martyn Robinson
Field guide to the frogs of Australia - by Michael J. Tyler and Frank Knight
Field guide to fungi of Australia - by A.M. Young, illustrated by Kay Smith
Field guide to insects in Australia 2nd edition - by Paul Zborowski and Ross Storey
[A] field guide to mammals of Australia 2nd edition - by Peter Menkhorst and Frank Knight
[A] field guide to the native orchids of southern Australia - by David and Barbara Jones
Field guide to native plants of Sydney revised 3rd edition - by Les Robinson
Field guide to the orchids of New South Wales and Victoria, second edition - by Tony Bishop
[A] field guide to reptiles of
[A] field guide to reptiles of Queensland - by Steve Wilson
Field guide to weeds in Australia 3rd edition - by Charles Lamp and Frank Collet
Flora of Australia series - co-published by CSIRO Publishing and the Australian Biological Resources Study
Flora of Melbourne 3rd enlarged edition - compiled by Australian Plants Society Maroondah, Inc.
Flora of New South Wales Volumes 1-4 - edited by Gwen J. Harden
Flora of Victoria Volume 1 (Introduction) - edited by D.B. Foreman and N.G. Walsh
Flora of Victoria Volume 2-4 - edited by N.G. Walsh and T.J. Entwisle
Food plants of the world: an illustrated guide - by Ben-Erik van Wyk
From seeds to leaves a complete guide to growing Australian shrubs and trees from seed - by Doug and Robin Stewart
Gardener's companion to weeds 2nd edition - by Suzanne Ermert
Global compendium of weeds - by R.P. (Rod) Randall
Grasses of New South Wales, fourth edition - by S.W.L. Jacobs, R.D.B. Whalley and D.J.B. Wheeler
Grasses of South Australia An illustrated guide to the native and naturalised species - by John Jessup
Grasses of temperate Australia: a field guide revised edition - by C.A. Lamp, S.J. Forbes and J.W. Cade
Grassland plants of south-eastern Australia - by Neil and Jane Marriott
Guide to plants of inland Australia - by Philip Moore
Horticultural flora of south-eastern Australia Volumes 1-5 - by Roger Spencer
How herbicides work: biology to application - by Linda Hall, Hugh Beckie and Thomas M. Wolf
In praise of plants - by Francis Hallé
In pursuit of plants: experiences of nineteenth and early twentieth century plant collectors - by Philip Short
Integrated weed management in Australian cropping systems - by CRC for Australian Weed Management
IPM for gardeners - a guide to integrated pest management - by Raymond A Cloyd, Philip L. Nixon and Nancy R. Pataky
Key guide: Australian reptiles and amphibians - by Leonard Cronin
Key guide: Australian wildflowers revised edition - by Leonard Cronin
Mabberley's plant-book: a portable dictionary of plants, their classifications, and uses, 3rd edition - by David J. Mabberley
[The] mammals of
Managing and conserving grassy woodlands - edited by S. McIntyre, J.G. McIvor and K.M. Heard
Marine plants of Australia - by John M. Huisman
Melbourne's wildlife: a field guide to the fauna of Greater Melbourne - by Museum Victoria
More crop weeds - by M.R. Moerkerk and A.G. Barnett
Name that flower: the identification of flowering plants, 2nd edition - by Ian Clarke and Helen Lee
Native grasses: an identification handbook for temperate Australia, 3rd edition - by Meredith Mitchell
Native grasses for Australian gardens - by Nola Parry and Jocelyn Jones
Native plants of Northern Australia - by John Brock
Native trees and shrubs of south-eastern Australia - by Leon Costermans
Natural history of medicinal plants - by Judith Sumner
Nature of plants - habitats, challenges and adaptions - by John Dawson and Rob Lucas
[A] new flowering - 1000 years of botanical art - by Shirley Sherwood
New nature: winners and losers in wild Australia - by Tim Low
Noxious weeds of Australia, 2nd edition - by W.T. Parsons and E.G. Cuthbertson
Old country - by George Seddon
Organic control of common weeds: a safe environment guide, 2nd edition - by Jackie French
Oxford companion to Australian gardens - edited by Richard Aitken and Michael Looker
Pasture management - by Rick Bickford
Pasture plants of north-west Queensland - by Jenny Milson
Pasture production and management - edited by J.V. Lovett and J.M. Scott
Pests of field crops and pastures identification and control - edited by P.T. Bailey
Planting wetlands and dams: a practical guide to wetland design, construction and propagation - by Nick Romanowski
Plants from the edge of the world - new explorations in the Far East - by Mark Flanagan and Tony Kirkham
Plants of central Queensland their identification and uses - by Eric Anderson
Plants of importance to Australia: a checklist - compiled by R.C.H. Shepherd, R.G. and F.J. Richardson
Plants of the Adelaide Plains and Hills 3rd edition - by Gilbert R.M. Dashorst and John J. Jessop
Plants of western New South Wales - by Geoff Cunningham, Bill Mulham, Peter Milthorpe and John Leigh
Pretty but poisonous: Plants poisonous to people, an illustrated guide for Australia - by R.C.H. Shepherd
Ragwort management handbook by David McLaren and Frank Mickan
Rainforest trees of mainland south-eastern
Rare or threatened Australian plants, 4th edition - by J.D. Briggs and J.H. Leigh
Suburban and environmental weeds:An identification and information system for south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales - by Sheldon Navie
Sydney's bushland : more than meets the eye - by Jocelyn Howell and Doug Benson
The natural history of medicinal plants - by Judith Sumner
The nature of plants - habitats, challenges and adaptions - by John Dawson and Rob Lucas
The old country - by George Seddon
The waterbug book - by John Gooderham and Edward Tsyrlin
The weather makers: the history & future impact of climate change - by Tim Flannery
Tracks, scats and other traces - a field guide to Australian mammals, revised edition - by Barbara Triggs
Trees and shrubs of north-west Queensland - by Jenny Milson
Trees of Victoria and adjoining areas, 6th edition - by Leon Costermans
Verticordia: the turner of hearts - by Elizabeth George
Water garden plants and animals: the complete guide for all Australia - by Nick Romanowski
The waterbug book - a guide to the freshwater macro-invertebrates of temperate Australia - by John Gooderham and Edward Tsyrlin
Waterplants in Australia: a field guide, 4th edition - by Geoff Sainty and Surrey Jacobs
WATTLE: Acacias of Australia - Coordinated by B.R. Maslin
[The] Weather makers: the history & future impact of climate change - by Tim Flannery
Weed Biocontrol: the theory and practical application of biological control of weeds - by CPITT, University of Queensland, CSIRO and DNRM Queensland
Weeds: an illustrated botanical guide to the weeds of Australia - by B.A. Auld and R.W. Medd
Weeds: friend or foe?: an illustrated guide to identifying, taming and using weeds - by Sally Roth
Weeds of the South-East an identification guide for Australia - by F.J. Richardson, R.G. Richardson and R.C.H. Shepherd
Weeds of the wet/dry tropics: a field guide - by Nicholas M. Smith
Weeds: the ute guide - Southern edition Version 2 - by Michael Moerkerk, Michael Wurst and Tom Yeatman
Western weeds: a guide to the weeds of Western Australia - by B.M.J. Hussey, G.J. Keighery, R.D. Cousens, J. Dodd and S.G. Lloyd
Wetland plants of Queensland: a field guide - by K.M. Stephens and R.M. Dowling
Wildflowers and plants of inland Australia - by Anne Urban
Wildflowers of Sydney and adjoining areas - by Alan Fairley
Wildflowers of Victoria and adjoining areas - by Margaret G. Corrick and Bruce A. Fuhrer
William Dampier in New Holland - Australia’s first natural historian - by Alex S. George