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Crop weeds

By J.L. Wilding, A.G. Barnett and R.L. Amor

ISBN 0958743916, published in 1998 (updated and reprinted from 1986 Inkata Press edition) by R.G. and F.J. Richardson, colour, soft cover, section sewn, 154 pages



The first step in controlling weeds is to recognize those that are present as the response of different species to herbicides or other control methods will often vary. This book is a straightforward guide to the identification of the main weeds, particularly in their seedling stage, in temperate crops throughout Australia. It is critical to identify weeds at the earliest possible stage so that they can be controlled before seriously reducing crop yields.

Common and scientific names are used for each of the 117 weeds, with over 340 colour photos, 100 black and white photos and numerous line drawings. Their life cycles and the appearance of the seeds, seedlings and mature plants are described and illustrated. Weeds occurring in fallows are noted as their control is important in Australia where chemical or mechanical fallows are widely used to conserve moisture for crops.

This practical publication enables farmers and others to identify all the important weed seedlings as well as the mature plants. The text is brief and recognition of the species relies mainly on drawings and photographs of weeds and their seeds.

Crop weeds and it's companion volume More crop weeds are essential manuals for farmers, agricultural research and extension agencies, universities and agricultural colleges, and companies offering services to farmers.

About the authors

At the time the book was written all three authors were employed by the Victorian Department of Agriculture at the Victorian Crops Research Institute, Horsham (now the Victorian Institute for Dryland Agriculture). Jim Wilding, a weed research agronomist, is now the manager of Aquatic Plant Services, a unit of Goulburn-Murray Water. This unit is primarily involved in the management and research into controlling aquatic and terrestrial plants in irrigation systems. He developed the key for identifying grass weeds and produced the excellent photographs of the plants and their seeds. Allan Barnett has a Bachelor of Applied Science (Agriculture) from Melbourne University Longerenong Campus. He prepared the plant material, descriptions and meticulous drawings in this book. Allan has also co-authored other books on weed identification including Grasses of Temperate Australia by C.A. Lamp, S.J. Forbes and J.W. Cade (2nd edition Bloomings Books) and More Crop Weeds by M.R. Moerkerk and A.G. Barnett (R.G. and F.J. Richardson). Ron Amor has published extensively on the ecology and control of weeds and is now retired from this field.

Table of contents