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Grassland plants of south-eastern Australia

By Neil and Jane Marriott

Published in 1998 by Bloomings Books, colour, soft cover, 183 pages

ISBN 1876473002

OUT OF PRINT (reprint being considered)

Grasslands and grassy woodlands comprise the most depleted ecosystems in south-eastern Australia with only 1% of the original habitat remaining and even less protected in reserves. Growing interest in these rare grassland communities stems from the knowledge that identification and protection of remnants are urgent priorities.

This comprehensive field guide will enable landowners, naturalists and others to identify plants commonly found in grasslands and grassy woodlands, for the whole of the south-east of Australia, including Tasmania.

'This excellent book guides readers to a better understanding of the importance and composition of the endangered lowland and grassy woodlands of south-eastern Australia.' Rodger Elliot

About the authors

Neil and Jane Marriott have a lifelong love of native plants and formerly owned the White Gums Nursery specializing in unique and fascinating native flora. They are currently undertaking botanical surveys of remnant Wimmera grasslands and grassy woodlands. They are also pursuing the regeneration of a range of grassland plants at their property on hilly granite country near Stawell in Victoria. Neil Marriott is co-author if the acclaimed three-volume work The Grevillea Book.

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