11th Australian Weeds Conference
Temperate woodland conservation and management

Edited by David Lindenmayer, Andrew Bennett and Richard Hobbs


Published in 2010 by CSIRO Publishing, illustrations, 400 pages, soft cover


Price $A89.95 plus $A13.50 postage within Australia [up to 3 kg], overseas postage please request a quote


ISBN 9780643100374


  • About the book
  • Contents
  • About the editors

This book summarises the main discoveries, management insights and policy initiatives in the science, management and policy arenas associated with temperate woodlands in Australia. More than 60 of Australia’s leading researchers, policy makers and natural resource managers have contributed to the volume.

It features new perspectives on the integration of woodland management and agricultural production, including the latest thinking about whole of paddock restoration and carbon farming, as well as financial and social incentive schemes to promote woodland conservation and management.

Temperate Woodland Conservation and Management will be a key supporting aid for farmers, natural resource managers, policy makers, and people involved in NGO landscape restoration and management.


• The latest thinking in woodland conservation, management and policy making.
• New perspectives on the integration of woodland management and agricultural production, including the latest thinking about whole of paddock restoration and carbon farming.
• High quality chapters from the nation’s leading researchers, managers and policy makers in temperate woodlands.
• New perspectives on financial and social incentive schemes to promote woodland conservation and management.
• Easy to follow format that distils key new insights and lessons for future conservation and management initiatives.



1. A decade of research and management insights in Australia’s temperate woodlands: David Lindenmayer, Andrew Bennett and Richard Hobbs

PART A Research: national

2. Woodland restoration: David Carr, Jim Robinson and David Freudenberger
3. Prioritising conservation in temperate woodlands: Philip Gibbons
4. Whole of Paddock Rehabilitation (WOPR): a practical approach to restoring Grassy Box Woodlands: Sue Streatfield, Graham Fifield and Melinda Pickup
5. Scattered paddock trees: the living dead or lifeline to the future? Adrian D. Manning and Joern Fischer
6. The normal, the novel and the natural: the contribution of emerging production systems to the management of woodland remnants in agricultural landscapes: Ted Lefroy

PART B Research: by state

7. Ecology and restoration of fragmented woodlands: a Western Australian perspective: Richard Hobbs
8. The eucalypt woodlands of Western Australia: lessons from the birds: Harry F. Recher, Jonathan D. Majer and William E. Davis, Jr.
9. The wheatbelt woodlands of Western Australia: lessons from the invertebrates: Jonathan D. Majer, Harry F. Recher and Anita Lyons
10. Managing the woodlands of the Mt Lofty Region, South Australia: David C. Paton, Nigel Willoughby, Daniel J. Rogers, Matthew J. Ward, Joel R. Allan and Andrew West
11. Conserving grassy woodland in Tasmania: Jamie B. Kirkpatrick
12. Lessons in woodland management from northern and central Victoria: Ralph Mac Nally
13. Landscape perspectives on wildlife conservation in woodlands: Andrew F. Bennett and James Q. Radford
14. Managing an over-abundant native bird: the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala): Michael F. Clarke and Merilyn J. Grey
15. Tipping the scales: thoughts on improving management for woodland reptiles. Geoff W. Brown
16. Conservation of microbats in temperate woodlands: Linda F. Lumsden and Andrew F. Bennett
17. The role of farm production systems in determining vegetation patterns and options for broad-scale conservation in temperate woodlands: Josh Dorrough
18. The role of linear strips and small patches of woodland in conserving endangered mammal fauna: Rodney van der Ree
19. From pattern to process: towards understanding drivers of diversity in temperate woodlands: David M. Watson
20. Eight steps to conserve diverse understoreys in grassy woodlands: Ian D. Lunt, Suzanne M. Prober and Kevin R. Thiele
21. Conservation of woodland vertebrate biota in the temperate woodlands of southern New South Wales: David Lindenmayer, Mason Crane, Damian Michael, Rebecca Montague-Drake and Christopher MacGregor
22. The road to conserving woodlands: re-affirming some past prescriptions and developing the new: Peter G. Spooner
23. Woodland biodiversity conservation: basket-case or battleground? Insights from the mallee: Don A. Driscoll
24. Fragmentation responses of birds, insects, spiders and genes: diverse lessons for woodland conservation: Richard E. Major
25. How can we reverse the loss of our woodland birds? Hugh A. Ford
26. The conservation of reptiles in the temperate woodlands of southern New South Wales: Damian Michael and David Lindenmayer
27. Temperate woodlands: learning from the north: Sue McIntyre
28. Landscape and regional perspectives from eastern Australia: Clive A. McAlpine, Michiala E. Bowen and Jonathan R. Rhodes
29. Retaining and restoring wildlife values of woodlands: Martine Maron
30. Grazing away our woodland bird diversity: Tara G. Martin

PART C Policy: national

31. Towards a national framework for describing and mapping vegetation condition: observations from temperate woodlands: Richard Thackway
32. Woodlands conservation: some lessons from managing research and observing policy: Stuart Pearson and Jim Donaldson
33. From pattern and process to people, policy and pragmatism: insights on temperate woodland conservation and management: Jann Williams
34. A carbon vision for the restoration of eucalypt woodlands: David Freudenberger
35. Using markets for woodland conservation on private land: lessons from the policy–research interface: Charlie Zammit, Simon Attwood and Emma Burns

PART D Policy: by state

36. Putting woodlands in their place: Keith Bradby
37. Conservation management principles for Tasmania’s lowland woodlands: Louise Gilfedder
38. Experiences in planning and implementing woodland conservation projects in northern Victoria: Geoff Park
39. Working with landholders to protect woodland birds: an 18-year lesson from northern Victoria: Doug Robinson
40. Knowledge, regulation and incentives in protecting temperate grassy woodlands: six lessons from New South Wales: John Benson
41. Seven lessons from southern Queensland woodlands: Teresa J. Eyre


42. How far have we come? Perspectives on ecology, management and conservation of Australia’s temperate woodlands: David Lindenmayer, Andrew F. Bennett and Richard Hobbs


About the editors

David Lindenmayer is a Research Professor at The Australian National University. He has worked for more than 15 years in Australia’s temperate woodlands and runs several major woodland research and conservation projects. He has published more than 25 books and 580 scientific papers on an array of aspects of biodiversity conservation, forest and woodland management. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Science, and has received numerous awards.

Andrew Bennett commenced his career with the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria, and later joined Deakin University where he now holds a Personal Chair in Landscape Ecology. A particular interest has been wildlife conservation in agricultural environments and the effects of land-use and landscape change. Much of this work has been done in woodland ecosystems.

Richard Hobbs is Professor of Restoration Ecology at the University of Western Australia, where he holds an ARC Australian Laureate Fellowship, and leads the Ecosystem Restoration Laboratory. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science. His current research focuses on ‘Intervention ecology: managing ecosystems in the 21st century’.