Books and Electronic Media
Books and electronic media related to weed identification, ecology, biology, their management and control and the natural environment.
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Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings
Individual papers from most Australian Weeds Conferences are available online, at no charge, at the Council of Australasian Weed Societies website |
11th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings
ed. R.C.H. Shepherd
Price $A66.00 plus $A8.00 postage CD-ROM only (PDF file) |
12th Australian Weeds Conference proceedings
eds A.C Bishop, M. Boersma and C.D. Barnes
Price $A71.00 plus $A8.00 postage CD-ROM only (PDF file) |
13th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings
eds H. Spafford Jacob, J. Dodd and J.H. Moore
Price $A20.00 plus postage: available as book only (postage $A13.50) |
14th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings
eds B.M. Sindel and S.B. Johnson
Price $A77.00 plus postage: available as book (postage $A13.50) or CD-ROM (PDF file) (postage $A8.00) |
15th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings
eds C. Preston, J.H. Watts and N.D. Crossman
Price $A90.00 plus postage: available as CD-ROM only (PDF file) (postage $A8.00) |
16th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings
eds R.D. van Klinken, V.A. Osten, F.D. Panetta and J.C. Scanlan
Price $A90.00 plus $A8.00 postage: available as CD-ROM only (PDF file) |
Australian Rainforest Fruits - a field guide
Wendy Cooper and William T Cooper
Price $A59.95, plus postage $A13.50 |
Australian rainforest plants, Volumes 1- 6
Nan and Hugh Nicholson
Price $A22.00 per volume or $A132 per set, postage $A13.50 per set. |
Australia's poisonous plants, fungi and cyanobacteria
Ross McKenzie
Price $A195.00 plus $A13.50 postage |
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