Population density and distribution of the biological control agent Carmenta mimosa on Mimosa pigra in the Adelaide and Finniss River catchments of the Northern Territory

Nicole Ostermeyer, Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, PO Box 990, Darwin, Northern Territory 0801, Australia.


Carmenta mimosa was first released on Mimosa pigra in July 1987. In 1997, various survey techniques were devised and utilized to determine the distribution and abundance of biological control agents on M. pigra. Such information is essential in monitoring the establishment and spread of the agents and it increases the effectiveness of future releases and integrated control work. Data collected from the first three years of surveys on the Adelaide and Finniss River catchments have been mapped and the results indicate that the population of C. mimosa has increased and spread. In 1999, the population density of C. mimosa in the Adelaide River catchment was more than ten times greater than 1997, and five times greater in the Finniss River catchment. The estimated distribution of C. mimosa increased similarly during the three years in both river catchments. This is the first attempt at mapping the density and distribution of biological control agents of M. pigra in the Northern Territory.


Plant Protection Quarterly (2000) 15 (2) 46-49.