Controlling broom (Cytisus scoparius) in pasture on the Barrington Tops - a graziers perspective
A. Clark, Ellerston Pastoral Company, Ellerston via Scone, New South Wales 2337, Australia.
Broom, Cytisus scoparius, is a major weed on the property 'Tomalla', part of Ellerston Pastoral Company. Current broom control is by herbicides, fire and grazing. The effectiveness of these techniques at 'Tomalla' is reviewed. Cost of herbicide control of broom on 'Tomalla' is currently around $45 000 per annum. Additional resources have also been invested by the Company as a core partner in a biological control program initiated by the Broom Council. The council was set up to coordinate broom control efforts on the Barrington Tops plateau. To date there has been no impact from biological control agents that have been released on broom on the Barrington Tops.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2000) 15 (4) 161-162.