Controlling broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link) in native forest ecosystems
K. CarterA and A. SignorB
A State Forests of New South Wales, Manning Region, PO Box 392, Taree, New South Wales 2430, Australia. Current address: NSW National Parks and Wildife Service, 78 Hargreaves Drive, Taree, New South Wales 2430, Australia.
B State Forests of New South Wales, Gloucester, PO Box 1, Gloucester, New South Wales 2422, Australia. Current address: NSW Agriculture, RMB 944, Tamworth, New South Wales 2340, Australia.
From State Forests of New South Wales perspective the major broom infestation is on Barrington Tops - covering over 10 000 ha of State Forest, National Park and private land. The use of State Forests on Barrington Tops as a case study soon explains the frustration of dealing with this environmental weed in forest ecosystems. Adequate access for ground techniques like slashing and spraying is a major issue in its control.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2000) 15 (4) 165-166.