Threats to the rare and threatened plant species of Barrington Tops
Anne HeinrichA and Bill DowlingB
A 389 Playfords Road, Comboyne, New South Wales 2429, Australia.
B PO Box 197, Dungog, New South Wales 2420, Australia.
Future management of rare and threatened plant species in the Barrington Tops National Park on the Barrington and Gloucester Tops plateau is dependent upon knowledge of their locations, abundance and threats to their survival. A literature and field survey was carried out in summer 1997-98 and further field surveys in summer 1998-99 and spring 1999. Surveys found that 30 species of rare or threatened plants, 18 of which are possibly endemic, are likely to occur, or are known to occur, on the plateau area of Barrington Tops and Gloucester Tops. Nine possible new species, all Orchidaceae, were located during the literature and field surveys. Populations of rare and threatened plants were found both in the National Park and in forestry land. Threats include further spread of broom (Cytisus scoparius), spread of other weeds, feral pigs, recreational use and fire. Managers of the National Park, State Forests and private land should place high priority on the protection of the whole subalpine habitat as well as populations of rare plants by focusing funding priorities to reduce these threats.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2000) 15 (4) 172-176.