Brooms as part of the Australian nursery industry
Ian AtkinsonA and Andy SheppardB
A Industry Development Manager, Nursery Industry Association of Australia, PO Box 55, Lyons, Australian Capital Territory 2606, Australia.
B CRC for Weed Management Systems, CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601, Australia.
Nursery plants that come under the heading of 'brooms' are estimated to be currently worth about $1.5 million to the industry. Their taxonomic origins are often complex and uncertain, however, Cytisus scoparius, is the most common parent species and this and some other naturalized species are banned from sale by selected states. While the continued sales of some broom varieties closely related to weedy species may pose a threat to the environment through the opportunity of bringing in greater genetic diversity, so the activities of biological control programs against brooms pose a threat to horticultural brooms, and may lead to greater use of chemicals by gardeners. It will be important that decisions taken to manage weedy brooms, that may have an impact on the nursery industry, are done so in direct consultation with the industry. This paper discusses these issues.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2000) 15 (4) 176-178.