Stipoid grasses as Weeds of National Significance

D.A. McLarenA,D, R. CoventryB and J. ThorpC

A Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Keith Turnbull Research Institute, PO Box 48, Frankston, Victoria 3199, Australia.

B NSW Agriculture, Locked Bag 11, Windsor, New South Wales 2756, Australia.

C National Weeds Strategy, 16 Flowers Court, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia.

D CRC for Australian Weed Management.


The Commonwealth Government under the National Weeds Strategy, has recently implemented its Weeds of National Significance program. Nassella trichotoma (serrated tussock) and N. neesiana (Chilean needlegrass) were assessed as being two of the twenty Weeds of National Significance for Australia. In total 25 projects with total funding at just under $2.8 million have been funded for these two species under the strategy and these are scheduled to begin during 2002-2003. The development of national strategic plans for these weeds will see a coordinated national approach to control that aims at reducing their spread and their impacts on natural and agricultural ecosystems.


Plant Protection Quarterly (2002) 17 (3) 119-124.