Victorian Government initiatives towards rapid response and prevention of invasive plant species
Jack Craw, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Keith Turnbull Research Institute, PO Box 48, Frankston, Victoria 3199, Australia.
The Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE) has recently funded two new initiatives to prevent and minimize the impacts of new invasive plant species, many of which are grasses and among them a selection of stipoid grasses. The first, the Pest Plant Distribution Prevention Strategy aims to prevent the sale, propagation, promotion or distribution by any means, of an extensive range of taxa. Plants are being assessed on their actual or potential threat to primary production, community health and the environment. Intentional distribution will be prevented by a legislative ban. Accidental spread will be covered by means of quality assurance programs such as vendor declaration systems.
The second initiative addresses the problem of new weed incursions in Victoria, with two new projects. The Weed Incursion Rapid Response project manages the issue strategically at the State level and border, whilst the Regional New and Emerging Weeds Officer will oversee responses at ground level.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2002) 17 (3) 82-83.