Impacts and control of exotic stipoid grasses in Australia - what have we learnt since 1998?.
Colin Hocking, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Victoria University, St. Albans Campus, PO Box 14428, MCMC, Victoria 8001, Australia.
A comparison was made between the broad principles, outlooks and practical strategies for control of exotic stipoid species in Australia, as expressed in the outcomes of the 1998 Nassella workshop and the outcomes of the 2002 Exotic Stipoids workshop. All of the broad principles identified in 1998 were confirmed as still relevant for 2002. Some principles were extended. In addition several new key principles arose. In particular the need for education, training and coordination to identify exotic stipoids entering Australia, or new areas within Australia, was clearly identified. The need to develop risk analysis for each potential exotic stipoid species or groups of species was also identified, as was the need to integrate ecological and economic understandings of exotic stipoid control, so as to best direct available resources. All of the key strategies for management and control of exotic stipoids from 1998 were also still relevant in 2002. The need for targeted research, education and management that took account of the different stipoid species and the individual geographic and land management contexts for control was highlighted. Also identified was a need for effective coordination of effort, across species, land use types and regions.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2002) 17 (3) 83-86.