Attempted suppression of Inopus rubriceps (Macquart) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) by application of insecticides to plant crops of sugarcane
P.R. Samson, Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations, PMB 57, Mackay Mail Centre, Queensland 4741, Australia.
Management of sugarcane soldier fly Inopus rubriceps in sugarcane ratoons was attempted by applying insecticides soon after planting, to reduce the breeding population within fields. Aldicarb and carbofuran reduced numbers of larvae several months after treatment in small plot trials. In one series of large trials repeated across farms, neither insecticide was effective but treatment was later than desirable. In a second series of large trials, aldicarb applied at the 3-5 leaf stage reduced larval numbers in plant crops and there tended to be fewer larvae in treated plots in the first ratoon. Reductions were only 50-60% and were not sufficient to justify commercial use of this treatment.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2002) 17 (4) 148-150.