The implementation of weed control on Phillip Island
Kellie Nichols and Derek Hibbert, Phillip Island Landcare, PO Box 272, Cowes, Victoria 3922, Australia.
Crown land managers, environmental facilitators and educators regard the combination of multiple components to be most effective in combating Phillip Island's environmental and agricultural weeds. Working together to plan integrated control programs that often rely on more than one method of control. Also equally important has been monitoring control programs, establishing a comprehensive system of mapping weeds across public and private remnants and keeping up to date with new and emerging species.
Reaching the permanent and part-time population through a range of education and incentive programs, and supporting an enthusiastic group of environmental volunteers has ensured that more and more people are joining the war against weeds. Future efforts have been boosted by a recently secured Island-wide Envirofund grant. A cultural shift in the way we view and manage the land is taking place. The momentum is building, and although we have a long way to go, we believe we are on the way towards making a real impact.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2003) 18 (2) 77-79.