The perennial grass weeds workshop questionnaire and mapping exercise
Neville D. CrossmanA and Martin WeidenbachB
A School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide, PMB 1, Waite Campus, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064, Australia.
B Fleurieu Animal and Plant Control Board, PO Box 781, Willunga, South Australia 5172, Australia.
The grass family, Gramineae, is one of the largest families of flowering plants, yet species recognition is poor due to the similarity of many grasses. Generally the grass weeds have not enjoyed a high profile amongst weed control practitioners. However, according to Gibbs and Gibbs (2001), many exotic grasses are impossible to eradicate once established. Humphries et al. (1991) state that early detection and intervention are the keys to successful eradication.
We conducted a survey of workshop registrants in order to assess the levels of recognition and perceived significance for 10 perennial grass weeds that are known to occur in South Australia (SA). Respondents were also invited to indicate the localized distribution of each species. The species list was compiled with the aim of including examples of those that may be considered newly emerging issues (e.g. Coolatai grass (Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf)) and some species that have held the status of a proclaimed plant in SA under the Animal and Plant Control (Agricultural Protection and Other Purposes) Act, 1986.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2004) 19 (2) 54-58.