Current distribution and strategic management options for buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) in South Australia.
John Pitt, Rural Solutions SA, Department of Primary Industries and Resources South Australia, PO Box 822, Clare, South Australia 5453, Australia.
People have accidentally and intentionally introduced Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) to South Australia (SA). In addition, C. ciliaris is known to be present on several unmanaged waterways entering SA from the Northern Territory and Queensland. The major anticipated impact to SA is habitat loss through competition and alterations to fire regimes. These changes are likely to reduce native species diversity in some areas over the long-term. The difficulty and cost of implementing C. ciliaris management strategies, particularly in remote lightly populated areas are highlighted. Education and extension packages regarding the impacts of C. ciliaris are required and the benefits of controlling C. ciliaris understood by land managers and the wider community. A strategic, coordinated and prioritized management approach based on benefit and risk analysis with ongoing commitment is also required for successful management of C. ciliaris in SA.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2004) 19 (2) 73-74.