Salt tolerant grasses in the Upper South East of South Australia: a perspective on production, saltland management and weed potential

Tracey Strugnell, Combined South East Soil Conservation Boards, Keith, South Australia 5267, Australia.


In recent years questions have been raised about the weed potential of puccinellia (Puccinellia ciliata Bor) and tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum (Podp.) Z.-W. Liu & R.R.-C. Wang). Both of these grasses are very useful introduced pasture species in the Upper South East region of South Australia (SA) on land affected by salinity and waterlogging. This paper includes a discussion of three different aspects of these grasses: on farm production; salinity management in the Upper South East, and; weed potential and management. This background is needed for an informed discussion of the best way to utilize and manage the weed risks of these grasses. Firstly a brief description of both grasses and their advantages and disadvantages is given.


Plant Protection Quarterly (2004) 19 (2) 74-76.