The susceptibility of Chinese wormwood (Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte) to various herbicides

Rebecca Breaden and Trevor Armstrong, AFRS, Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, PO Box 36, Sherwood, Queensland 4075, Australia.


A screening trial was established at Kilcoy Creek in south-east Queensland in December 1997 in order to determine suitable control options for Chinese wormwood (Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte). Picloram and triclopyr (Grazon® DS), fluroxypyr (Starane® 200), glyphosate (Glyphosate® 360), metsulfuron-methyl (Brush-Off®), and dicamba (Banvel® 200) were trialed at different rates as high volume foliar applications. Above-ground stems were counted before and after treatment, with counts continuing for eight months. An application of dicamba at 2 kg ha-1 was the most successful treatment because it reduced Chinese wormwood above-ground stem density, and selectively left beneficial plant species to compete with this weed. Glyphosate was the least effective herbicide.


Plant Protection Quarterly (2004) 19 (3) 96-97.