Victorian weed policies for private land

Leigh Dennis, Project Manager Pest Plants, Land Management Branch, Department of Sustainability and Environment, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002, Australia.


There are a huge number of introduced plants in Victoria that have become naturalized and could be classified as weeds. It is unreasonable and in many cases impossible to expect the Government to take action to eradicate all of these. The role of Government is to ensure new threats are mitigated and to ensure processes are in place to minimize the impact of existing incursions. The direction for weed policy in Victoria is provided by the Victorian Weed Management Strategy that is a key component of 'Victorian Pest Management - A Framework for Action' that provides the basis of investment in pest management. Regional Weed Action Plans provide the basis of investment in weed management across the ten Catchment Management Authority regions of the state and prioritize species and locations for weed management based on protecting the assets of that region.


Plant Protection Quarterly (2005) 20 (3) 101-102.