Weed R&D: Contributing to and influencing weed policy in Australia?

Eligio Bruzzese, Primary Industries Research Victoria and CRC for Australian Weed Management, Department of Primary Industries Frankston Centre, PO Box 48, Frankston, Victoria 3199, Australia.


As a weed scientist, I hope that my findings will be seen as innovative and relevant by my peers, but just as importantly, I hope they are of use in influencing decision makers to develop policies and strategies that will result in improved weed management. Informing public policy with sound science has long been recognized as a vital need for the effective management of natural resources and the environment, including the management of threats such as invasive species. However, in the case of weed research, how effective has science been in contributing to and influencing policy in Australia?


Plant Protection Quarterly (2005) 20 (3) 105-111.