Victorian local government and weed management: programs, resources and management approaches

Nina Rogers, Manager Environment Policy and Programs, Municipal Association of Victoria, GPO Box 4326, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia


The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is the peak statutory body representing the 79 municipal councils of Victoria. In recent years the MAV has taken a keen interest in the role of Victorian local government in weed management. In mid-2001 the MAV hosted a forum titled 'How can local government help to improve weed management in Victoria?' The forum was a partnership between the MAV, the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF), the Victorian Catchment Management Council (VCMC) and the then NRE. The forum explored the capacity of Victorian local government to take an active role in weed management. This was followed in 2002 by the development of a detailed report and presentation of case studies on the programs, resources and management approaches of Victorian local government for weed management.

This paper provides an overview of Victorian local government's current weed management activities and priorities, and identify issues affecting local government's capacity to undertake weed management. It describes a range of mechanisms and approaches being used by councils to progress weed management, and  identifies the barriers limiting the ability of local government to move further forward in its weed management activities.


Plant Protection Quarterly (2005) 20 (3) 113-115.