Developing control techniques for bridal veil (Asparagus declinatus L.) on Kangaroo Island - a study in progress
Marion A. WinklerA and David A. TaylorB
A Kangaroo Island Natural Resource Management Board, Shop 3 The Mall, Dauncey Street, Kingscote, South Australia 5223, Australia.
B Threatened Plant Project, PO Box 39, Kingscote, South Australia 5223, Australia.
Prior to implementation of the 'Bridal Veil (Asparagus declinatus) Management Strategy: 2004-2006 Kangaroo Island South Australia', it was believed that eradication of bridal veil from Kangaroo Island was a feasible option and fundamental herbicide trials and grazing trials were established to ascertain their effectiveness. However, progressive mapping suggested that eradication was not a foreseeable outcome. Currently, trials manipulating fire, manual removal and a glyphosate-based herbicide mix are under investigation and initial results will be available within the next 12 months. This case study highlights the importance of a strategic approach to weed control, and describes the research currently underway into bridal veil control on Kangaroo Island.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2006) 21 (3) 100-103.