The control of climbing asparagus (Asparagus africanus Lam.) in remnant Brigalow scrub in south-east Queensland

T.R. Armstrong, R.C. Breaden and D. Hinchliffe, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Alan Fletcher Research Station, PO Box 36, Sherwood, Queensland 4075, Australia.


A replicated trial was conducted at Tallegalla in south-east Queensland to assess the effectiveness of a range of control methods for climbing asparagus Asparagus africanus Lam. A total of 18 treatments using mechanical, cut stump, basal bark, foliar spray and splatter gun techniques were trialled with a range of herbicides and application rates. Removing the plant and placing it above the ground surface was most effective in killing climbing asparagus. Basal bark spraying of 24 g triclopyr ester (40 mL GarlonĀ® 600) or 10 g fluroxypyr ester (50 mL Starane® 200) L-1 diesel and the cut stump application of neat diesel or 225 g glyphosate (500 mL Glyphosate CT®) L-1 water offered the best chemical control of climbing asparagus.


Plant Protection Quarterly (2006) 21 (3) 134-136.