Coordinated regeneration programs in coastal vegetation on the Tomaree Peninsula – a decade of bitou bush control

Mellesa SchroderA, Geoffrey JamesA and Anthony MarchmentB

A Parks and Wildlife Group, Department of Environment and Climate Change, Locked Bag 99, Nelson Bay, New South Wales 2317, Australia.

B Port Stephens Council, PO Box 2324, Raymond Terrace, New South Wales 2324, Australia.


Coordinated weed control programs focussing on the weed bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata (DC.) Norl.) have been undertaken on the Tomaree Peninsula on the mid-north coast of New South Wales (NSW) since the development of a co-operative control plan in 1997. The Port Stephens Bitou Bush Management Plan was developed by the Port Stephens Coastal Weed Action Group with members from Port Stephens Council, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (now the Department of Environment and Climate Change), Department of Land and Water Conservation (now Department of Lands) and various community bush regeneration groups. The Plan has taken a cross-tenure approach to the prioritization of control programs. This has ensured success and enabled the implementation of strategic coordinated programs that utilize consistent control methodology. The programs are committed to the protection of significant native vegetation communities and promotion of natural regeneration.


Plant Protection Quarterly (2008) 23 (1) 49.