A history of boneseed control in the You Yangs Regional Park, Victoria

David Roberts, You Yangs Regional Park, Parks Victoria, Branch Road, Lara, Victoria 3212, Australia.


The You Yangs is a 2000 ha regional park situated between Victoria's two largest cities - Melbourne and Geelong, and is home to one of the countries densest boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera (DC.) T.Norl.) infestations. Boneseed was thought to have been planted in the park as an erosion control measure in the late 1940s, but exact introduction details are unknown. Boneseed quickly established in the park, initially taking a strong hold on the low fertile granite slopes and progressively spreading to the open woodland in the foothills. By 1963, the District Forester reported approximately 30% of the park or 650 ha (1600 acres) having moderate to heavy infestations of boneseed, particularly in the steep rocky country. The current boneseed infestation covers more than 1300 ha of the 2000 ha park and dominates the landscape, particularly in the rocky granite hills.


Plant Protection Quarterly (2008) 23 (1) 51.