Management of bitou bush on the New South Wales north coast
Iain JamiesonA,C and Reece LuxtonB,C
A Far North Coast Weeds, PO Box 230, Lismore, New South Wales 2480, Australia.
B Clarence Valley Council, Locked Bag 23, Grafton, New South Wales 2460, Australia.
C North Coast Weeds Advisory Committee.
The North Coast Weeds Advisory Committee (NCWAC) is an advisory and coordinating body for weed management covering 290 kilometres of coastline stretching from the Queensland border to the Shire of Nambucca in the south and encompassing the Tweed, Byron, Ballina, Richmond Valley, Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Nambucca Councils. The committee helps to promote best practice weed management and assists in the implementation and co-ordination of effective on-ground weed management programs. The committee's management of the noxious weed bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp rotundata (DC.) Norl.) is carried out by a variety of organizations and funding is obtained from a diverse range of sources. This paper presents an overview of the success of this program.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2008) 23 (1) 53-54.