New South Wales south coast bitou bush and boneseed control program
Kerry ThompsonA and David PomeryB
A Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra, New South Wales 2541, Australia.
B Illawarra District Noxious Weeds Authority, PO Box 148, Kiama, New South Wales 2533, Australia.
Coordinated weed control programs focusing on the weeds bitou bush and boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata (DC.) (Norl.) and C. monilifera subsp. monilifera (L.) Norl., respectively) have been undertaken along the south coast of New South Wales (NSW) since the development of a regional weed control plan in 2002 (Broese van Groenou and Wolfenden 2001). Previously, only fragmented control was undertaken by individual stakeholders. Bitou bush has invaded approximately 9400 ha or 38% of the NSW south coast coastline from Wollongong to Bega (see DEC 2006). It is a major component of the vegetation north of Sussex Inlet (where the National Bitou Bush Southern Containment Line has been established) but is less abundant to the south. The National Southern Containment Line delineates the geographical location where the southern spread of bitou bush is being contained.
Plant Protection Quarterly (2008) 23 (1) 55-56.