Plant Protection Quarterly |
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Individual copies of these papers may be ordered from WEED INFORMATION. Price $15 per paper including GST. Payment may be made by credit card. Papers will be supplied by email as PDF files.
Volume 15 Number 3, 2000 |
Research reports |
Crop-weed competition studies in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). J.S. Mishra, V.P. Singh and V.M. Bhan. |
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Can competition from Themeda triandra inhibit invasion by the perennial exotic grass Nassella neesiana in native grasslands? Ian D. Lunt and John W. Morgan. |
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Growth of alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. (Amaranthaceae)) and population development of Agasicles hygrophila. Selman & Vogt (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in northern New Zealand. Carol A. Stewart, R. Bruce Chapman and Chris M.A. Frampton. |
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Trends in invasion by alien woody plants of the New England region, New South Wales. J.M.B. Smith. |
102 |
‘Which are my worst weeds?’ A simple ranking system for prioritizing weeds. R.P. Randall. |
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The effect of sheep and goat grazing on variegated thistle (Silybum marianum) populations in annual pastures. D.F. Stanley, P.J. Holst and C.J. Allan. |
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Effect of split applications of herbicides on the control of Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John’s wort) and regeneration of native grasses and annual clovers on non-arable land. M.H. Campbell and H.I. Nicol. |
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Weed Mapping Workshop |
GIS traps, maps and databases. Ian Allan. |
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Priority weed mapping in Melton Shire. Megan Suter. |
125 |
Cheap, effective GIS aids catchment planning. Rick Pope and Jacinta Burns. |
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Is the application of remote sensing to weed mapping just ‘S-pie in the sky’? Dave Bulman. (View as HTML file) |
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Mapping the future PMIS and beyond. J.R. Backholer. |
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