Plant Protection Quarterly

Volume 25 Issue 2, 2010




International weed risk assessment workshop proceedings


The EPPO decision-support scheme for pest risk analysis and invasive alien plants.

Sarah Brunel and Francoise Petter.  Abstract


Using the New Zealand aquatic weed risk assessment model to manage potential weeds in the aquarium/pond plant trade.

Paul D. Champion, John S. Clayton, Andrew Petroeschevsky and Melanie Newfield.  Abstract


Likelihood and consequences: reframing the Australian weed risk assessment to reflect a standard model of risk.

Curtis C. Daehler and John G. Virtue.  Abstract


Guidance for addressing the Australian Weed Risk Assessment questions.

Doria R. Gordon, Belinda Mitterdorfer, Paul C. Pheloung, Shahin Ansari, Chris Buddenhagen, Chuck Chimera, Curt C. Daehler, Wayne Dawson, Julie S. Denslow, AnneMarie LaRosa, Tomoko Nishida, Daphne A. Onderdonk, F. Dane Panetta, Petr Pysek, Roderick P. Randall, David M. Richardson, Ntakadzeni J. Tshidada, John G. Virtue and Peter A. Williams.  Abstract


Risk assessment for the New Zealand National Pest Plant Accord: which species should be banned from sale?

M.J. Newfield and P.D. Champion.  Abstract


Lessons learned from testing the Australian weed risk assessment system: the devil is in the details.

Daphne A. Onderdonk, Doria R. Gordon, Alison M. Fox and Randall K. Stocker.  Abstract


The Northern Territory's Weed Risk Management system: an application of the national post-border WRM protocol.

Samantha Setterfield, Keith Ferdinands, Natalie Rossiter-Rachor and Michael Douglas.  Abstract


South Australia's Weed Risk Management System.

John G. Virtue.  Abstract


New Zealand biosecurity legislation and the naturalization of exotic weeds.

Peter A. Williams, Ian Popay and Hazel A.W. Gatehouse.  Abstract


Weed Management Society of South Australia


Tamarix species management in arid South Australia.

Ben Shepherd.