Books and Electronic Media

Books and electronic media related to weed identification, ecology, biology, their management and control and the natural environment.


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Global compendium of weeds Global compendium of weeds
R.P. (Rod) Randall

Special price (while stocks last) $A20.00, plus $A13.50 postage
Weeds of the South-East Weeds of the South-East – an identification guide for Australia, Third edition
F.J. Richardson, R.G. Richardson and R.C.H. Shepherd

Price $A79.95 plus $A13.50 postage.
Coastal plants:Perth and the South West Region Coastal plants: Perth and the South West Region
Elizabeth Rippey and Barbara Rowland

Price $A29.95 plus $A13.50 postage
Mabberley's plant-book Living Waters: ecology of animals in swamps, rivers, lakes and dams
Nick Romanowski

Price $A39.95 plus $A13.50 postage
Wetland habitats Wetland habitats: a practical guide to restoration and management
Nick Romanowski

Price $A49.95 plus $A13.50 postage
Wetland weeds Wetland weeds - causes, cures and compromises
Nick Romanowski

Price $A49.95 plus $A13.50 postage


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