Books and Electronic Media

Books and electronic media related to weed identification, ecology, biology, their management and control and the natural environment.


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Grasses of temperate Australia: a field guide revised edition Grasses of temperate Australia: a field guide revised edition
C.A. Lamp, S.J. Forbes and J.W. Cade

Price $A59.95 plus $A12 postage
Temperate woodland conservation Temperate woodland conservation and management
Edited by David Lindenmayer, Andrew Bennett and Richard Hobbs

Price $A89.95 plus $A12 postage
Effective Ecological Monitoring Effective ecological monitoring
David B Lindenmayer and Gene E Likens

Price $A49.95 plus $A12 postage
Pasture production and management Pasture production and management
eds J.V. Lovett and J.M. Scott

Price $A99.00 plus $A12 postage
Feral future: Feral future: the untold story of Australia's exotic invaders
Tim Low

Price $A24.95 plus $A12 postage
Wild food plants of Australia Wild food plants of Australia revised edition
Tim Low

Price $A29.95 plus $A12 postage


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