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Plant Protection Quarterly is primarily for the publication of material relevant to all aspects of plant protection. Papers dealing with basic science, especially those with clear implications for practical plant scientists, are also acceptable as are papers on the economics and environmental aspects of plant problems caused by disease, insects, nematodes, weeds, salinity etc.
Contributions may be in the form of original research reports, technical notes (short communications), or reviews of current practice of subject area. Research reports and other major articles should have a maximum of 6000 words and short communications a maximum of 2000 words.
Letters to the Editor, descriptions and assessments of field and laboratory techniques, comments on previously published papers, news items and book reviews on all aspects of plant protection will also be appreciated.
Submission of a paper implies that its content has not been published or submitted elsewhere, nor has it been rejected by another journal for reasons concerning its scientific merit.
Please send three clear copies to the Editor, Plant Protection Quarterly, R.G. and F.J. Richardson, PO Box 42, Meredith, Victoria 3333, Australia. Retain one copy for your own records. After your paper has been refereed please send an electronic version clearly named on a floppy disc or by email to richardson@weedinfo.com.au. PC format using Microsoft Word or is preferred.
All major contributions submitted for publication in Plant Protection Quarterly are refereed by appropriately qualified specialists appointed by the Editor or Assistant Editors.
All contributions should be in clear concise English. For guidance on general points of style, grammar and spelling refer to 'The concise Oxford dictionary', 'Style manual for authors, editors and printers of Australian government publications' or a recent issue of this journal.
All contributions should be typed or printed on one side of A4 paper. Please use single column and type in double spacing and leave 3 cm margins on all sides.
This should be as short as is practical while still clearly indicating the content. Capitalize the first word and proper nouns only.
After title include all authors names and current addresses (usually place of employment).
Research papers should follow the general pattern of Summary (150-200 words), Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References and Appendices.
These contribute much to the clarity of the paper. Where possible, restrict these to two orders and clearly indicate which is the more important. Capitalize the first word and proper nouns only.
Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals, keyed to the text reference, and given a title or caption which clearly describes its contents without further reference to the text. If using a word processor separate columns with tab marks rather than spaces, or if using a table editor within your word processor ensure that there is only one item per cell. Avoid the use of vertical lines and keep horizontal lines to a minimum. Results should be analysed statistically and significance of difference clearly shown.
Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals, keyed to the text reference and given a title or caption that clearly describes its contents without further reference to the text. Attach a caption with paper and author name to each figure. Also include a list of captions at the end of the manuscript.
Photographs should be glossy black and white prints of good contrast and slightly larger than final printed size. Hand drawn diagrams should be in black on heavy white paper or good quality tracing paper. Lettering should be at a size large enough to give clear legibility when reduced. Colour will not be generally used.
Cite references in the text as Rowe (1982), Rowe and Finn (1983), or as (Rowe 1982) or (Rowe 1982, Rowe and Finn 1983). Where there are more than two authors use Rowe et al. (1984) and where there is more than one paper by the same author(s) in the same year put a, b, c, etc. after the year Rowe (1985a).
List all references (except personal communications) in alphabetical order by author then year at the end of the article. Unpublished papers may be included only if accepted for publication and they should be cited 'in press'. Please use the full title of publication referred to as abbreviations are often misleading.
For journal articles use the following style (issue numbers are only included if necessary):
Diatloff, G., Lee, A.N. and Anderson, T.M. (1976). A new approach to Salvinia control. Australasian Journal of Pest Management 9(2), 65-7.
For books use the full title in single quotes, volume number, edition number, publisher and publishers location and initial page of the section referred to:
Parsons, W.T. (1973). 'Noxious weeds of Victoria', p. 137. (Inkata Press, Melbourne).
and in multi author works use:
Chancellor, R.J. (1970). Herbicides and our changing weeds. In 'The flora of a changing Britain', ed. A.S. Parkes, 2nd edition, p. 82. (Thames and Hudson, London).
For conference proceedings use the journal style although the proceedings title is not italicised. If italics are not available then use underline.
Use Arabic numerals for all percentages (e.g. 2%), numbers of 10 and above (65 234) and numbers followed by a unit (e.g. 6 ha). Spell out numbers less than nine and do not start a sentence with a numeral.
Metric Units
Use metric units and their standard SI abbreviations. If in doubt use the full word. Abbreviations should follow the form L ha-1 for expressing litres per hectare.
Common and scientific names
Use the full scientific name and authority at the first mention followed by the standard common name (if common names are to be used) and without the author thereafter. In subsequent uses the genus can be abbreviated. Use italics or underline for genus and species.
Chemical and tradenames
At the first mention use the common chemical name of the active ingredients and then tradename, or refer to the active ingredient only. Use a standardized list of common names. If possible base all concentrations on the active ingredient (e.g. 4 kg ha-1 a.i. or 4 kg ha-1 Dalapon (74% w/v 2,2-DPA)).
Galley proofs must be checked carefully and returned promptly. Only errors in type setting can be corrected at this stage. Extensive alterations or additional material will be accepted only at the discretion of the Editors and a charge may be made. Proofs will only be sent to one author of a multi-author paper and it will be his/her responsibility to consolidate corrections from all other authors.
Reprints may be ordered on the form supplied when galley proofs are returned. Free reprints are not available.