Volume 20 Number 1 2005 |
Seminar proceedings: Urban grasslands, their management and restoration |
Best practise management of Chilean needle grass (Nassella neesiana) in conservation reserves the seedbank story. Louise Beames, Colin Hocking and Peter Wlodarczyk. |
2 |
People as the forgotten ecological element of lowland grassland ecology new perspectives on values and management. Colin Hocking. |
9 |
Management strategies for preventing weed invasion in urban grasslands. Nicholas S.G. Williams. |
12 |
Effect of clipping and fertilizer addition on the feed value of Nassella neesiana (Chilean needle grass) during reproductive growth stages. Charles Grech, David McLaren, David Chapman and Brian M. Sindel |
16 |
Integrated control of serrated tussock on a native grassland more than one way to kill a cat! Frances Overmars. |
17 |
Invasive perennial grass weeds: a new fuel type? John Stoner, Robyn Adams and Dianne Simmons. |
21 |
Research reports |
Response of glyphosate-resistant and susceptible biotypes of goosegrass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.) to fertilizer use. T.S. Chuah, S. Salmijah, Y.T. Teng and B.S. Ismail. |
22 |
The economic impact of weeds in Australia. Jack Sinden, Randall Jones, Susie Hester, Doreen Odom, Cheryl Kalisch, Rosemary James, Oscar Cacho and Garry Griffith. |
25 |
Australian Scirtothrips aurantii Faure (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) only survived on mother-of-millions (Bryophyllum delagoense) in a no-choice trial. A.G. Manners and K. Dhileepan. |
33 |
Can Nassella neesiana, Chilean needle grass, be incorporated into a grazing management system in Australia? M.R. Gardener, B.M. Sindel, R.D.B. Whalley and J.M. Earl. |
36 |
Volume 19 Number 4 2004 |
Efficacy of tank-mix combinations of glyphosate and gramicides on the control of glyphosate resistant and susceptible biotypes of goosegrass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.). T.S. Chuah, S. Salmijah and B.S. Ismail. |
130 |
The mortality of Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) caused by fire in the Wet Tropics of northern Australia. Paul Williams, Justine Douglas, Mark Parsons and Merl Roberts. |
135 |
Factors affecting the control of Cytisus scoparius and restoration of invaded sites. Dean Dougherty and Sarah Hayden Reichard. |
137 |
Effect of seed rate and row spacing on the efficacy of clodinafop for combating isoproturon resistant Phalaris minor Retz. in wheat. M.S. Bhullar and U.S. Walia. |
143 |
Rural landholder attitudes towards the responsibilities and action for managing declared weeds in Western Australia. Frank D’Emden, Gael Bell, and Rick Llewellyn. |
147 |
Glutathione S-transferase and cytochrome P450 monoxygenase activities of Bradybaena similaris treated with metaldehyde. S. Salmijah, S.Z. Syed Zahiruddin and B.S. Ismail. |
151 |
Assessing the potential distribution of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) in Australia using a climate-soil model. B.E. Lawson, M.J. Bryant and A.J. Franks. |
155 |
Book reviews |
164 |
Annual index 2004 |
Subject index |
165 |
Author index |
167 |
Volume 19 Number 3 2004 |
Effects of mixed cropping on the population abundance of Aphis gossypii Glover and coccinellids on chilli. J.L. Chong, A.B. Idris and M.N. Mohamad Roff. |
90 |
The susceptibility of Chinese wormwood (Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte) to various herbicides. Rebecca Breaden and Trevor Armstrong. |
96 |
Experimental inoculations of the rust fungus Puccinia xanthii, a biological control agent against Noogoora burr (Xanthium occidentale) in northern Australia. Veronica Edgar and Blair Grace. |
98 |
Economic benefits of a recent research program into controlling serrated tussock in south-eastern Australia. D.T. Vere, G.R. Griffith and R.E. Jones. |
102 |
Biological control of the papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Guam. D.E. Meyerdirk, R. Muniappan, R. Warkentin, J. Bamba and G.V.P. Reddy. |
110 |
Seminar proceedings: What is new in the cropping world? |
Avoiding the penalties of spray drift with a practical look at glyphosate. Les Toohey. |
115 |
New application techniques and nozzles. Peter Alexander. |
117 |
Interaction of nozzles with spray fluids on droplet drift. J.H. Combellack. |
119 |
Trends in herbicide formulation development. Anthony Flynn and Philip Pentland. |
125 |
The ecology of common heliotrope in a Mediterranean dryland cropping system. James Hunt, Roger Cousens and Sue Knights. |
126 |
Managing weeds in pulses the wiping alternative. Katherine Hollaway. |
127 |
Predicting clodinafop efficacy. T.S. Andrews, R.W. Medd, R. van de Ven and D.I. Pickering. |
128 |
Volume 19 Number 2 2004 |
South Australian Perennial Grass Weeds Workshop |
Perennial grass weeds in Australia: impacts, conflicts of interest and management issues. A.C. Grice. |
42 |
Perennial grasses: their uses and impacts in agricultural systems. Tim Prance. |
48 |
Uses and impacts of perennial grasses in South Australia: an environmental perspective. Murray J. Mathison. |
50 |
Perennial grasses in South Australia: a social perspective. Trevor Nottle. |
52 |
The perennial grass weeds workshop questionnaire and mapping exercise. Neville D. Crossman and Martin Weidenbach. |
54 |
The distribution, impacts and identification of exotic stipoid grasses in Australia. David A. McLaren, Val Stajsic and Linda Iaconis. |
59 |
Field survey results for Chilean needlegrass (Nassella neesiana (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth) and Texas needlegrass (Nassella leucotricha (Trin. & Rupr.) R.W.Pohl) in the Mt. Lofty Ranges, Fleurieu Peninsula and greater Adelaide regions of South Australia. Chris Obst and Travis How. |
67 |
Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.): presenting the arid Northern Territory experience to our South Australian neighbours. Helen Puckey and David Albrecht. |
69 |
Current distribution and strategic management options for buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) in South Australia. John Pitt. |
73 |
Salt tolerant grasses in the Upper South East of South Australia: a perspective on production, saltland management and weed potential. Tracey Strugnell. |
74 |
Shut the gate, alien weedy grasses have bolted and more are on the way. Robert Myers. |
77 |
Coastal chameleons: good or bad grasses? Ron Taylor. |
80 |
Pussytail grass (Pentaschistis pallida (Thunb.) H.P.Linder) invading native vegetation in South Australia: distribution and management options. Meg A. Robertson. |
82 |
Future directions for managing perennial grass weeds in South Australia. John G. Virtue, Neville D. Crossman and Noel Richards. |
84 |
Volume 18 Issue 4 2003 |
Review |
The biology of Australian weeds 43. Polymeria longifolia Lindl. Stephen B. Johnson, Brian M. Sindel, Robin S. Jessop and Christine E. Jones. |
130 |
Research reports |
Demography, fecundity and natural enemy dynamics of rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora) in riparian and upland sites of north Queensland. I.J. Radford. |
138 |
Dose-response relationship between mancozeb fungicide application in the field and sugarcane growth response. R.C. Magarey, J.I. Bull and D. Greenway. |
143 |
Effects of burial and age on viability of rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora) seeds. F.F. Bebawi, S.D. Campbell and A.M. Lindsay. |
147 |
Mapping the distribution of Parkinsonia aculeata in the Cape River catchment in north Queensland, Australia. R.A. Lawes, L.V. Whiteman and A.C. Grice. |
152 |
Interactions between frugivorous birds and weeds in Queensland as determined from a survey of birders.Chris D. Stansbury and Gabrielle Vivian-Smith |
157 |
Annual index 2003 |
Subject index |
166 |
Author index |
168 |
Volume 18 Issue 3 2003 |
Review |
The biology of Australian weeds. 42. Leucaena leucocephala (Lamark) de Wit. Craig Walton. |
90 |
Research reports |
Management of the South African grass Tribolium uniolae (L.f.) Renvoize invading threatened plant communities in the Brixton Street Wetlands. Kate Brown and Kris Brooks. |
99 |
Post-dispersal seed predation of three major pasture weeds in southern Australia. M.J. NeaveAand R.K. Huwer. |
102 |
Distribution and potential impact of Opuntia aurantiaca (tiger pear) along Little River, Victoria. David Dance, Robyn Adams and Dianne Simmons. |
107 |
Effect of artificial defoliation on growth and biomass of Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae). Sonya Broughton. |
110 |
Flowering, fruiting, germination and seed dispersal of the newly emerging weed Solanum mauritianum Scop. (Solanaceae) in the wet tropics of north Queensland. S.K. Florentine, M. Craig and M.E. Westbrooke. |
116 |
Survey of Polymeria longifolia (Lindley) in the Australian cotton industry. Stephen B. Johnson, Brian M. Sindel and Christine E. Jones. |
120 |
CD-ROM reviews |
AusGrass: Grasses of Australia |
127 |
WeedBiocontrol - the theory and practical application of biological control of weeds |
127 |
1000 Weeds of North America |
128 |
Volume 18 Issue 2 2003 |
A survey of the weed status and management of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit in Queensland, Australia. H. Max Shelton, Scott A. Dalzell and Fiona L. McNeill. |
42 |
Effects of temperature and moisture on the persistence of terbuthylazine in two Malaysian agricultural soils. B.S. Ismail and O. Dan-Lin. |
48 |
Current status of the red coconut scale, Furcaspis oceanica Lindinger (Homoptera: Diaspididae) and its parasitoid, Adelencyrtus oceanicus Doutt (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), in Guam. R. Muniappan, Jesse Bamba, Junard Cruz and G.V.P. Reddy. |
52 |
Field trials of the efficacy of 'Grain 96-1': a methyl anthranilate bird repellent. Barry Kentish, Dean Robertson and Ian Temby. |
55 |
Seminar proceedings: Herbicide use in natural vegetation |
Herbicide registration, off-label use and understanding labels. Alan Roberts. |
60 |
Spray drift within natural vegetation, legislation and reality. Jim Stranger. |
64 |
Herbicide use in natural vegetation - the problems faced by local government, implementation and the importance of record keeping. Katrina Roberg. |
66 |
Off-label advice within natural situations, including riparian zones. Nigel Ainsworth. |
67 |
Problems with controlling weeds on roadsides: case studies on the control of Spanish heath and whisky grass in East Gippsland. Kingsley Sexton. |
68 |
Environmental weed treatment in Melbourne's water catchment. Miles Stewart-Howie. |
70 |
Herbicide control of exotic grasses in south-east Australian native grasslands: case study with serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma). Bram Mason and Colin Hocking. |
72 |
The implementation of weed control on Phillip Island. Kellie Nichols and Derek Hibbert. |
77 |
Weed control in establishing native tree species. I.B. Tomkins. |
80 |
Mobility of herbicides applied to hard surfaces in riparian zones. Michael Williamson and Nigel Ainsworth. |
82 |
Weeds in wild places - managing environmental compliance. Chris Knight. |
84 |
Book reviews
Verticordia - the turner of hearts by Elizabeth George
Seeds of concern - the genetic manipulation of plants by David R. Murray
Weed ecology in natural and agricultural systems by B.D. Booth, S.D. Murphy and C.J. Swanton
Bushland weeds. A practical guide to their management. With case studies from the Swan Coastal Plain and beyond by Kate Brown and Kris Brooks
87 - 88
Volume 18 Issue 1 2003 |
Adsorption, desorption and mobility of metsulfuron-methyl in Malaysian soils under oil palm plantation. B.S. Ismail and Chong Tet-Vun. |
2 |
Using aerial mapping to analyse factors affecting the spread of Scotch broom. Doreen Odom, G.R. Griffith, Mellesa Schroder and J.A. Sinden. |
6 |
Impact assessment and analysis of sixty-six priority invasive weeds in south-east Queensland. George N. Batianoff and Don W. Butler. |
11 |
Tolerance of Austrodanthonia fulva, Microlaena stipoides and Elymus scaber seedlings to nine herbicides. I. Cole, T. Koen, J. Metcalfe, W. Johnston and M. Mitchell. |
18 |
Allelopathic potential of the newly emerging weed Solanum mauritianum Scop. (Solanaceae) in the wet tropics of north-east Queensland. S.K. Florentine and M.E. Westbrooke. |
23 |
Sparaxis bulbifera (Iridaceae) invading a clay based wetland on the Swan Coastal Plain - control methods and observations on the reproductive biology. Kate Brown and Kris Brooks. |
26 |
Effects of shade and watering frequency on growth and development of glyphosate-resistant and susceptible biotypes of goosegrass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.). B.S. Ismail, T.S. Chuah, S. Salmijah and Y.T. Teng. |
30 |
Sleeper weeds - a useful concept? A.C. Grice and N. Ainsworth. |
35 |
Book reviews |
Alien weeds and invasive plants by Lesley Henderson |
40 |
The long dry by Alex George |
40 |
Volume 17 Issue 4 2002 |
Review |
The Biology of Australian Weeds. 41. Pittosporum undulatum Vent. Trudi L. Mullett. |
130 |
Research reports |
The impact of the European olive (Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea) on grey box (Eucalyptus microcarpa Maiden) woodland in South Australia. Neville D. Crossman. |
140 |
Possible origin of rampion mignonette populations from garden escapes. David Cooke. |
147 |
Attempted suppression of Inopus rubriceps (Macquart) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) by application of insecticides to plant crops of sugarcane. P.R. Samson. |
148 |
Genetic variability identified in populations of the rice weed starfruit (Damasonium minus) by simple sequence repeats. F.G. Jahromi, G.J. Ash and E.J. Cother. |
151 |
Impact of foliar herbicides on germination and viability of Siam weed (Chromoleana odorata) seeds located on plants at the time of application. M.J. Setter and S.D. Campbell. |
155 |
Neurada procumbens L. (Neuradaceae): a new record for Australia and a potential threat to Australia's sandy deserts. David E. Albrecht, Robyn M. Barker, W.R. (Bill) Barker and John Gavin. |
158 |
Using digital image analysis to estimate flower numbers of Cootamundra wattle (Acacia baileyana F.Muell.) and hence determine seed production and weed potential. Anne Morgan, Peta Adams, Peter Kolesik and Margaret Sedgley, Sue Carthew and Kathy Haskard. |
162 |
Coreopsis lanceolata L. (Asteraceae): another environmental weed for Queensland and Australia. George N. Batianoff and David A. Halford. |
168 |
Annual index 2002 |
Subject index |
170 |
Author index |
172 |
Volume 17 Issue 3 2002 |
Seminar proceedings: Exotic stipoid grasses: impacts and control in Australia |
Victorian Government initiatives towards rapid response and prevention of invasive plant species. Jack Craw |
82 |
Impacts and control of exotic stipoid grasses in Australia - what have we learnt since 1998? Colin Hocking. |
83 |
Economics of serrated tussock and Mexican feather grass in Victoria: Why we need to act now. T.A. Morfe, J. Weiss and D.A. McLaren. |
86 |
Competition between native grasses and serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma) at low fertility - initial results. Warwick B. Badgery, David R. Kemp, David L. Michalk and Warren McG. King. |
95 |
The potential for repair of exotic stipoid grass infested sites with kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra Forssk.) with special reference to remnant native grasslands. Bram Mason and Colin Hocking. |
98 |
Ecological modelling of serrated tussock. Darren Kriticos, Shona Lamoureaux, Warren King, William Pettit, Graeme Bourdôt and Warwick Badgery. |
102 |
Biological control of serrated tussock and Chilean needlegrass. F. Anderson, W. Pettit, D.T. Briese and D.A. McLaren. |
104 |
Variation in size and seed germination in Australian serrated tussock. S.G. Casonato, A.C. Lawrie, D.A. McLaren and K.L. Butler. |
111 |
Serrated tussock. David Boyle. |
114 |
A rate rebate incentive scheme to manage exotic stipoid grasses. Alan Brennan. |
116 |
GROW WEST - controlling serrated tussock at a catchment scale with an integrated landscape change project. David Buntine. |
118 |
Stipoid grasses as Weeds of National Significance. D.A. McLaren, R. Coventry and J. Thorp. |
119 |
Genetic variation in Nassella neesiana (Chilean needlegrass) in Australia. D.L. Britt, A.C. Lawrie and D.A. McLaren. |
125 |
Stipoid posters - another extension tool for the Monaro. Linda Ayres. |
126 |
Book reviews |
127 |
Volume 17 Issue 2 2002 |
Review |
The Biology of Australian Weeds. 40. Bryophyllum Salisb. species. M.A. Hannan-Jones and J. Playford |
42 |
Research reports |
Long-term control of serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma (Nees) Arech.) by applying flupropanate at three-year or 10-year intervals. M.H. Campbell, D.T. Vere and H.I. Nicol. |
58 |
Use of the conductivity test to estimate soybean seed emergence and resistance to infection by Fusarium oxysporum in the southern United States. P.D. Meints, L.E. Trevathan, and F.W. Maideni. |
64 |
Priority lists for weed research in the wet- and dry-tropics of north Queensland. F.F. Bebawi, S.D. Campbell and T.D Stanley. |
67 |
The effect of various herbicides on Gloriosa superba L. in the Moreton district of Queensland. E.C. Sparkes, S. Grace and F.D. Panetta. |
74 |
The effects of various herbicides on Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Pers in Nudgee Wetlands Reserve, Queensland. E.C. Sparkes, S. Grace and F.D. Panetta. |
77 |
Volume 17 Issue 1 2002 |
Review |
The Biology of Australian Weeds. 39. Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. A.C. Grice. |
2 |
Research reports |
Occurrence of weeds in the perennial pasture zone of New South Wales. J.J. Dellow, G.C. Wilson, W.McG. King and B.A. Auld. |
12 |
Evaluation of herbicides for the control of the environmental weed bridal creeper (Asparagus asparagoides). G.H. Pritchard. |
17 |
Assessment of invasive naturalized plants in south-east Queensland. George N. Batianoff and Don W. Butler. |
27 |
Seed soaking method to test resistance in Raphanus raphanistrum to ALS-inhibiting herbicides. Abul Hashem and David G. Bowran. |
35 |
Book reviews |
Grasses of temperate Australia. Revised edition |
39 |
Noxious weeds of Australia. Second edition |
39 |
Environmental weeds: a field guide for SE Australia |
40 |
Bush invaders of south-east Australia |
40 |
Volume 16 Number 3, 2001 |
Review |
The Biology of Australian Weeds. 38. Lonicera japonica Thunb. Peter A. Williams, Susan M. Timmins, Jeremy M.B. Smith and Paul O. Downey |
90 |
Research reports |
A wedge shaped bluff plate air-assisted sprayer: III. High-speed, low volume herbicide spraying in dryland field cropping systems. G.O. Furness, M.M. Wearne, J.J. Hastings, P.S. Barton and C.B. Dyson. |
101 |
Effect of dry heat on germination and viability of Cryptostegia grandiflora seeds. Faiz F. Bebawi and Peter J. Row. |
108 |
Control of Mimosa pigra by Phloeospora mimosae-pigrae: liquid culture production and application technique. B.R. Hennecke, S. Chakraborty and M.L. Dale. |
111 |
Can Australian native plants be weeds? Seminar |
Can some Australian plants be invasive? R.H. Groves. |
114 |
Effects of the native environmental weed Pittosporum undulatum Vent. (sweet pittosporum) on plant biodiversity. Trudi L. Mullett. |
117 |
Transcontinental invasions of vascular plants in Australia, an example of natives from south-west Western Australia weedy in Victoria. J.P. Pigott. |
121 |
Australian plants as weeds in Victoria. G.W. Carr. |
124 |
NGIA initiatives in environmental weed management. Jolyon Burnett. |
125 |
Native plants as environmental weeds on the Mornington Peninsula. Scott Coutts. |
127 |
Biological control of weedy native plants in Australia. Eligio Bruzzese and Ian Faithfull. |
129 |
A challenge for our values: Australian plants as weeds. Tim Low. |
133 |
Book review |
136 |
Volume 16 Number 2, 2001 |
The effect of cutting on the survival Mimosa pigra and its application to the use of blade ploughing as a control method. T.J. Schatz |
50 |
Environmental weeds of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) and their management. J.T. Swarbrick and R. Hart. |
54 |
The effect of imidacloprid on survival of some beneficial arthropods. David G. James and Beverley Vogele. |
58 |
Gall-inducing insects and biological control of Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae). S.K. Florentine, A. Raman and K. Dhileepan. |
63 |
Herbicides to replace flupropanate for the control of serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma (Nees) Arech.). M.H. Campbell and H.I. Nicol. |
69 |
A wedge shaped bluff plate air-assisted sprayer: I. Spray deposits on artificial targets. G.O. Furness, M.M. Wearne, J.J. Hastings, P.S. Barton and A.B. Frensham. |
75 |
A wedge shaped bluff plate air-assisted sprayer: II. Spray deposits on lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). G.O. Furness, M.M. Wearne, J.J. Hastings, P.S. Barton and C.B. Dyson. |
84 |
CD-ROM and book reviews |
88 |
Volume 16 Number 1, 2001 |
Review |
The Biology of Australian Weeds. 37. Prosopis L. species. Rieks D. van Klinken and Shane D. Campbell. |
2 |
Research reports |
A farmer survey of weed management and herbicide resistance problems of winter crops in Australia. Y. Alemseged, R.E. Jones and R.W. Medd. |
21 |
Chemical control of broad-leaved pepper tree (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi). F.D. Panetta and T.M.D. Anderson. |
26 |
Chamaesyce ophthalmica (Pers.) Burch (Euphorbiaceae): a weed species newly recorded from Australia. Wayne K. Harris. |
31 |
A comparison of the effects of foliar applications of glyphosate and fluroxypyr on Madeira vine, Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) van Steenis. S.L. Prior and T.R. Armstrong. |
33 |
Comparative survey of weeds surviving in triazine-tolerant and conventional canola crops in south-eastern Australia. D. Lemerle, R.E. Blackshaw, A.B. Smith, T.D. Potter and S.J. Marcroft. |
37 |
Chemical control of harungana (Harungana madagascariensis) shrubs in Queensland. Joseph Vitelli and Peter van Haaren. |
41 |
Paraquat resistance in the broadleaf weed Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S.Moore from the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. B.S. Ismail, T.S. Chuah and K.H. Hussin. |
44 |
Book reviews |
47 |
Volume 15 Number 4, 2001 |
Broom management Proceedings of a workshop |
Broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link) population management strategies. Andy W. Sheppard, John R. Hosking and Andrew R. Leys |
134 |
Raising awareness of the broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link) problem on the Barrington Tops, New South Wales. Bev Adams. |
139 |
An introduction to the biogeography and ecology of broom (Cytisus scoparius) in Australia. J.M.B. Smith. |
140 |
Impacts of broom (Cytisus scoparius) in western North America. Dennis L. Isaacson. |
145 |
Status of broom in New Zealand. Simon Fowler and Pauline Syrett |
148 |
Determinants of broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link) abundance in Europe. Quentin Paynter, Simon V. Fowler, Jane Memmott, Richard H. Shaw and Andy W. Sheppard. |
149 |
Factors affecting broom regeneration in Australia and their management implications. Andy Sheppard, Peter Hodge and Quentin Paynter. |
156 |
Controlling broom (Cytisus scoparius) in pasture on the Barrington Tops a graziers perspective. A. Clark. |
161 |
Broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link) competition and management in eucalypt tree farms. C.D. Barnes and G.K. Holz. |
163 |
Controlling broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link) in native forest ecosystems. K. Carter and A. Signor. |
165 |
Herbicides for broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link): testing alternatives to Grazon®. Craig Hore. |
167 |
Controlling broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link) in natural ecosystems in Barrington Tops National Park. Mellesa Schroder and Chris Howard. |
169 |
Threats to the rare and threatened plant species of Barrington Tops. Anne Heinrich and Bill Dowling. |
172 |
Brooms as part of the Australian nursery industry. Ian Atkinson and Andy Sheppard. |
176 |
Broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link) and fire: management implications. Paul O. Downey. |
178 |
Cutting and mulching broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link): a Tasmanian perspective. Eddie Talbot. |
183 |
Broom workshop participants. |
186 |
Annual index 2000 |
187 |
Volume 15 Number 3, 2001 |
Research reports |
Crop-weed competition studies in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). J.S. Mishra, V.P. Singh and V.M. Bhan. |
90 |
Can competition from Themeda triandra inhibit invasion by the perennial exotic grass Nassella neesiana in native grasslands? Ian D. Lunt and John W. Morgan. |
92 |
Growth of alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. (Amaranthaceae)) and population development of Agasicles hygrophila. Selman & Vogt (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in northern New Zealand. Carol A. Stewart, R. Bruce Chapman and Chris M.A. Frampton. |
95 |
Trends in invasion by alien woody plants of the New England region, New South Wales. J.M.B. Smith. |
102 |
‘Which are my worst weeds?’ A simple ranking system for prioritizing weeds. R.P. Randall. |
109 |
The effect of sheep and goat grazing on variegated thistle (Silybum marianum) populations in annual pastures. D.F. Stanley, P.J. Holst and C.J. Allan. |
116 |
Effect of split applications of herbicides on the control of Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John’s wort) and regeneration of native grasses and annual clovers on non-arable land. M.H. Campbell and H.I. Nicol. |
119 |
Weed Mapping Workshop |
GIS traps, maps and databases. Ian Allan. |
123 |
Priority weed mapping in Melton Shire. Megan Suter. |
125 |
Cheap, effective GIS aids catchment planning. Rick Pope and Jacinta Burns. |
126 |
Is the application of remote sensing to weed mapping just ‘S-pie in the sky’? Dave Bulman. (View as HTML file) |
127 |
Mapping the future PMIS and beyond. J.R. Backholer. |
132 |
Volume 15 Number 2, 2000 |
Research reports |
Population density and distribution of the biological control agent Carmenta mimosa on Mimosa pigra in the Adelaide and Finniss River catchments of the Northern Territory. Nicole Ostermeyer. |
46 |
Applications for molecular biology in weed management. N.G. Paltridge. |
50 |
Pheromone-trapping of Carpophilus spp. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae): fauna, abundance and seasonality in some Australian horticultural regions. David G. James, Richard J. Faulder, Beverley Vogele and Christopher J. Moore. |
57 |
Impact of fire on rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora R.Br.) and associated pasture and germinable seed bank in a sub-riparian habitat of north Queensland. F.F. Bebawi, S.D. Campbell, A.M. Lindsay and A.G. Grice. |
62 |
Biotechnology seminar |
Biotechnology what is it and what can it achieve? Steve Sutherland. |
67 |
Genetically modified organisms the farmer’s side of the field. Bob Watters. |
69 |
The myths of gene transfer a canola case study. P.A. Salisbury. |
71 |
Managing herbicide resistance in weeds from use of herbicide tolerant crops. Christopher Preston and Mary A. Rieger. |
77 |
Regulatory overview challenges, changes, champions. Naomi Stevens. |
80 |
Requirements and regulations a Victorian perspective. Catherine Hollywell. |
82 |
The media’s role in the GMO furore. Graeme O’Neill. |
85 |
Book reviews
Plant microbe interactions Volume 4. Eds G. Stacey and N. Keen
Flora of Victoria Volume 4. Eds NG Walsh and TJ Entwisle |
87 |
Volume 15 Number 1, 2000 |
Research reports |
Development of resistance in Achatina fulica Fer. and Bradybaena similaris Fer. towards metaldehyde. S. Salmijah, M.K. Chan, B.H. Kong, A. Maimon and B.S. Ismail. |
2 |
Effects of soil disturbance and weed removal on germination within woodlands infested by boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. monilifera). P.B. Thomas, H. Possingham and R. Roush. |
6 |
Biological control of Carduus pycnocephalus and C. tenuiflorus using the rust fungus Puccinia cardui-pycnocephali. J.J. Burdon, P.H. Thrall, R.H. Groves and P. Chaboudez. |
14 |
Horehound workshop |
Horehound (Marrubium vulgare): a comparison between European and Australian populations. John Weiss and Jean-Louis Sagliocco. |
18 |
The insect fauna associated with horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) in western Mediterranean Europe and Morocco: potential for biological control in Australia. Jean-Louis Sagliocco. |
21 |
The release and establishment of two biological control agents of horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) in south-eastern Australia. Emma Wills. |
26 |
Biological control of horehound: lessons from South Australia. C.R. Clarke, J. Baker, M.A. Keller and R.T. Roush. |
29 |
Progress on the rearing, release and establishment of the horehound plume moth, Wheeleria spilodactylus (Curtis), for the biological control of horehound in Tasmania. J.E. Ireson, R.J. Holloway and W.S. Chatterton. |
33 |
Mating behaviour of horehound plume moth: implications for Allee effects. Megan Leyson and Michael Keller. |
36 |
Integration of herbicide treatments with the plume moth for horehound control. N. Ainsworth and C. Morris. |
37 |
Integrated management of horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) in Wyperfeld National Park. John Weiss and Emma Wills. |
40 |
Outcomes from the horehound workshop. John Weiss and Emma Wills. |
43 |
Book review |
44 |
Volume 14 Number 4, 1999 |
Review |
The Biology of Australian Weeds. 36. Ligustrum lucidum Aiton and Ligustrum sinense Lour. J.T. Swarbrick, S.M. Timmins and K.M. Bullen.
122 |
Research reports |
Control of powdery mildew and black spot on roses with petroleum spray oil. O. Nicetic, D.M. Watson and G.A.C. Beattie.
131 |
Potential use of Exserohilum monoceras as a biological control agent for Echinochloa spp. (barnyard grass) in Vietnam. Nguyen Van Tuat, Tran Hu Hanh, Shane D. Hetherington, Duong Van Chin and Bruce A. Auld.
136 |
Awareness and adoption of IPM by Australian potato growers. P.A. Horne, J.E. Rae, A.P. Henderson and R. Spooner-Hart.
139 |
A decimal code for the growth and development stages of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.). G.P. Madafiglio, R.W. Medd and P.S. Cornish.
143 |
Effect of fungicides on leaf rust, yield and kernel weight of three winter wheat cultivars in Mississippi. M.A. Khan, L.E. Trevathan and J.T. Robbins.
147 |
Decreased phytotoxicity of diuron applied over ash of recently burned kangaroo grass (Themeda australis (R.Br.) Stapf). John Toth, Paul J. Milham and C. Jill Kaldor.
151 |
Book reviews |
Annual index 1999 |
Volume 14 Number 3, 1999 |
Research reports |
Seed dormancy in serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma (Nees) Arech.) in New South Wales. M.H. Campbell and H.I. Nicol. |
82 |
A survey of the use of flupropanate in New South Wales for the control of serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma (Nees) Arech.). C.C. Lee and G.M. Gurr. |
86 |
The effect of longer spray intervals, reduced rates, or mixtures of three fungicides on fruit rots in strawberry. W.S. Washington, S. Engleitner and N. Shanmuganathan. |
88 |
Environmental weed forum |
Keynote address: Environmental weeds past, present and future. R.H. Groves |
92 |
Victorian weeds strategy: legislation and enforcement. David McKenzie. |
95 |
Preventing the introduction of potential new weeds to Australia. Paul Pheloung. |
96 |
Background to the Nursery Industry Association of Victoria. Greg King. |
100 |
Garden plants under the spotlight. Kate Blood. |
103 |
Overview of green waste recycling research conducted by the Institute for Horticultural Development. Emily Tee, Kevin Wilkinson, Susannah Tymms and Vanessa Hood. |
104 |
The latest in environmental weed information. Kate Blood. |
108 |
Current research on environmental weeds. Nigel Ainsworth. |
108 |
Contingency planning for new and emerging weeds in Victoria. John Weiss. |
112 |
Future and expanding weeds. Kate Blood. |
115 |
Early intervention: the process. Roger Spencer. |
116 |
Monitoring and evaluation of environmental weeds. Nigel Ainsworth. |
117 |
Panel discussion "50 years from now
." Kate Blood. |
119 |
Resolutions of the 1999 Environmental Weed Forum: an environmental vision for Victoria Action 2020. Malcolm Calder |
120 |
Volume 14 Number 2, 1999 |
Research reports |
Costs of major pests and diseases to the Australian sugar industry. R.S. McLeod, G.G McMahon and P.G. Allsopp. |
42 |
Chemical control of blue periwinkle (Vinca major L.) in Croajingolong National Park, Victoria. K.L. Twyford and G.S. Baxter. |
47 |
Use of prescribed fire to enhance control of English broom (Cytisus scoparius) invading a subalpine snowgum woodland in Victoria. D.C. Robertson, J.W. Morgan and M. White. |
51 |
Impact of foliar herbicides on pod and seed behaviour of rust-infected rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora) plants. F.F. Bebawi, P.L. Jeffrey, J.R. McKenzie, J.S. Vitelli and A.M. Lindsay. |
57 |
Control of bracken (Pteridium esculentum) in Tasmania using wiper application of metsulfuron methyl and glyphosate. K.R. Young and P.W.G. Sale. |
63 |
Weed control thresholds: a useful concept in natural ecosystems? F.D. Panetta and R.F. James. |
68 |
Aquatic weeds workshop |
Alligator weed an aquatic weed present in Australian backyards. Lalith Gunasekera. |
77 |
Emerging aquatic weeds. Kevin Krake. |
79 |
Aquatic weed control in irrigation. Jim Wilding. |
79 |
CD-Rom reviews |
80 |
Volume 14 Number 1, 1999 |
Review |
The Biology of Australian Weeds. 35. Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. J.W. Heap and R.J. Carter. |
2 |
Research reports |
The effect of herbicide and goats on survival and seed production of Illyrian thistle (Onopordum illyricum L.). L. Torrano, P.J. Holst and D.F Stanley. |
13 |
Seasonal abundance of woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) and its important natural enemies in Armidale, northern New South Wales. S.K. Asante. |
16 |
Chemical control of bedstraw (Galium tricornutum Dandy) in wheat, barley, field peas, chickpeas and faba beans in southern Australia. Michael R. Moerkerk. |
24 |
Pod classification and its role in rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora) germination and emergence. F.F. Bebawi and J.R. McKenzie. |
30 |
Efficacy of Vapam (metam-sodium) against pink ground pearl, Eumargarodes laingi Jakubski (Hemiptera: Margarodidae), in sugarcane. P.R. Samson and W.J. Harris |
35 |
Technical note |
Seedling production by Madeira vine (Anredera cordifolia) . J.T. Swarbrick. |
38 |
Obituary |
40 |
Book review |
40 |