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Authors, editors or compilers


Aitken, Richard and Michael Looker (editors): Oxford companion to Australian gardens

Aldous, D.E.: International turf management handbook

Allen, David E. and Gabrielle Hatfield: Medicinal plants in folk tradition: an ethnobotany of Britain and Ireland

Attenborough, David: The private life of plants

Auld, B.A. and R.W. Medd: Weeds: an illustrated botanical guide to the weeds of Australia

Australian Plants Society Maroondah, Inc (compilers): Flora of Melbourne 3rd enlarged edition


Baumgardt, John Philip: How to identify flowering plant families: a practical guide for horticulturists and plant lovers

Bickford, Rick: Pasture management

Bishop, A.C., M. Boersma and C.D. Barnes (editors): 12th Australian Weeds Conference proceedings

Blood, Kate: Environmental weeds: a field guide for SE Australia

Booth, B.D., S.D. Murphy and C.J. Swanton: Weed ecology in natural and agricultural systems

Bougher, Neale L. and Katrina Syme: Fungi of southern Australia

Bradley, Joan: Bringing back the bush: the Bradley method of bush regeneration

Briggs, J.D. and J.H. Leigh: Rare or threatened Australian plants, 4th edition

Brock, John: Native plants of Northern Australia

Brooker, M.I.H. and D.A. Kleinig: Field guide to eucalypts Volume 1: south-eastern Australia 2nd edition

Brooker, M.I.H. and D.A. Kleinig: Field guide to eucalypts Volume 2: south western and southern Australia 2nd edition

Brooker, M.I.H. and D.A. Kleinig: Field guide to eucalypts Volume 3: northern Australia 2nd edition

Brooker, M.I.H., A.V. Slee, J.R. Connors and S.M. Duffy: EUCLID: Eucalypts of southern Australia second edition

Brown, Kate and Kris Brooks: Bushland weeds: a practical guide to their management

Brundu, G., J. Brock, I. Camarda, L. Child and M. Wade (editors): Plant invasions: species ecology and ecosystem management


Capon, Brian: Botany for gardeners: an introduction and guide

Cary, Geoffrey, David Lindenmayer and Stephen Dovers (editors): Australia burning: fire ecology, policy and management issues

Clarke, Ian and Helen Lee: Name that flower: the identification of flowering plants, 2nd edition

Cogger, Harold G.: Reptiles and amphibians

Corrick, Margaret G. and Bruce A. Fuhrer: Wildflowers of Victoria and adjoining areas

Cousens, Roger and Martin Mortimer: Dynamics of weed populations

Costermans, Leon: Native trees and shrubs of south-eastern Australia

CPITT, University of Queensland: Weed Biocontrol: the theory and practical application of biological control of weeds

Cunningham, Geoff, Bill Mulham, Peter Milthorpe and John Leigh: Plants of western New South Wales


Darke, Rick: Colour encyclopedia of ornamental grasses: sedges, rushes, restios, cat-tails and selected bamboos

Dowling, Ralph M. and Ross A. McKenzie: Poisonous plants: a field guide


Elliot ,Rodger and David Jones: Encyclopaedia of Australian plants suitable for cultivation Volumes 1-7

Ermert, Suzanne: Gardener's companion to weeds 2nd edition


Fairley, Alan: Wildflowers of Sydney and adjoining areas

French, Jackie: Organic control of common weeds: a safe environment guide, 2nd edition

Foreman, D.B. and N.G. Walsh (editors): Flora of Victoria Volume 1 Introduction

Fuhrer, Bruce: Field companion to Australian fungi


George, A.S. (editor): Flora of Australia series

George, Alex : [The] long dry: bush colours of summer and autumn in south-western Australia

George, Elizabeth: Verticordia: the turner of hearts

Groves, R.H., F.D. Panetta and J.G. Virtue: Weed risk assessment

Groves, R.H., R.C.H. Shepherd and R.G. Richardson (editors): Biology of Australian weeds Volume 1


Hakansson, Sigurd: Weeds and weed management on arable land: an ecological approach

Hall, Ian R., Steven L. Stephenson, Peter K. Buchanan, Wang Yun and Anthony L.J. Cole: Edible and poisonous mushrooms of the world

Hall, Linda, Hugh Beckie and Thomas M. Wolf: How herbicides work: biology to application

Handreck, Kevin and Neil Black: Growing media for ornamental plants and turf - 3rd edition

Harden, Gwen J. (editor) Flora of New South Wales Volumes 1-4

Heiser, Charles B.: Weeds in my garden: observations on some misunderstood plants

Henderson, Lesley: Alien weeds and invasive plants: a complete guide to declared weeds and invaders in South Africa

Hewson, Helen: 300 years of botanical illustration: Australia

Hickey, Michael and Clive King: Common families of flowering plants

Howell, Jocelyn and Doug Benson: Sydney's bushland: more than meets the eye

Huisman, John M.: Marine plants of Australia

Hussey, B.M.J., G.J. Keighery, R.D. Cousens, J. Dodd and S.G. Lloyd: Western weeds: a guide to the weeds of Western Australia


Jones, David and Barbara: Native plants of Melbourne and adjoining areas


Lamp, C.A., S.J. Forbes and J.W. Cade: Grasses of temperate Australia: a field guide revised edition

Lamp, Charlesand Frank Collet: Field guide to weeds in Australia 3rd edition

Liang, G.H. and D.Z. Skinner: Genetically modified crops: their development, uses and risks

Lovett, J.V. and J.M. Scott (editors): Pasture production and management

Low, Tim: Feral future: the untold story of Australia's exotic invaders

Low, Tim: New nature: winners and losers in wild Australia


Mabberley, D.J.: The plant book, 2nd edition

Marriott, Neil and Jane: Grassland plants of south-eastern Australia

Maslin, B.R. (cordinator): WATTLE: Acacias of Australia

McLaren, David and Frank Mickan: Ragwort management handbook

Meney, Kathy A. and John S. Pate (editors): Australian rushes: biology, identification and conservation of Restionaceae and allied ferns

Mitchell, A.A. and D.G. Wilcox: Arid shrubland plants of Western Australia, 2nd and enlarged edition

Mitchell, Meredith: Native grasses: an identification handbook for temperate Australia, 3rd edition

Moerkerk, M.R. and A.G. Barnett: More crop weeds

Moody, Mary: Gardener's companion

Muyt, Adam: Bush invaders of south-east Australia

Myers, Judith H. and Dawn R. Bazely: Ecology and control of introduced plants


Navie, Sheldon: Declared plants of Australia

Navie, Sheldon: Suburban and environmental weeds:An identification and information system for south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales


Panetta, F.D., R.H. Groves and R.C.H. Shepherd (editors): Biology of Australian weeds Volume 2

Parsons, W.T. and E.G. Cuthbertson: Noxious weeds of Australia, 2nd edition

Petheram, R.J. and B. Kok: Plants of the Kimberley Region of Western Australia, revised edition


Randall, R.P. (Rod): Global compendium of weeds

Riley, John J. and David P. Banks: Orchids of Australia

Romanowski, Nick: Aquatic and wetland plants: a field guide for non-tropical Australia

Romanowski, Nick: Planting wetlands and dams: a practical guide to wetland design, construction and propagation

Romanowski, Nick: Water garden plants and animals: the complete guide for all Australia

Roth, Sally: Weeds: friend or foe?: an illustrated guide to identifying, taming and using weeds


Scott, Rob, Neil Blake, Jeannie Campbell, Doug Evans and Nicholas Williams: Indigenous plants of the Sandbelt: a gardening guide for south-eastern Melbourne

Sharp, Donovan and Bryan K. Simon: AusGrass: Grasses of Australia

Shepherd, R.C.H (editor): 11th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings

Shepherd, R.C.H: Pretty but poisonous: Plants poisonous to people, an illustrated guide for Australia

Shepherd, R.C.H., R.G. and F.J. Richardson (compilers): Plants of importance to Australia: a checklist

Sainty, Geoff, John Hosking, Peter Abell, Surrey Jacobs and Mia Dalby-Ball: Burnum Burnum's WILDthings - revised edition

Sainty, Geoff and Surrey Jacobs: Waterplants in Australia: a field guide, 4th edition

Short, Philip: In pursuit of plants: experiences of nineteenth and early twentieth century plant collectors

Sindel, Brian M. (editor): Australian weed management systems

Sindel, B.M. and S.B. Johnson (editors): 14th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings

Smith, Nicholas M.: Weeds of the wet/dry tropics: a field guide

Snape, Diana: Australian garden: designing with Australian plants

Spafford Jacob, H., J. Dodd and J.H. Moore (editors): 13th Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings

Speichert, Greg and Sue: Encyclopedia of water garden plants

Spencer, Roger: Horticultural flora of south-eastern Australia Volumes 1-4

Stacey, Robyn and Ashley Hay: Herbarium

Stearn, William T.: Stearn's dictionary of plant names for gardeners: a handbook on the origin and meaning of the botanical names of some cultivated plants

Stephens, K.M. and R.M. Dowling: Wetland plants of Queensland: a field guide

Sumner, Judith: The natural history of medicinal plants

Sutherst ,R.W. and G.F. Maywald: CLIMEX: predicting the effects of climate


Thiele, K.R. and L.G. Adams (editors): Families of flowering plants of Australia, revised edition


Urban, Anne: Wildflowers and plants of inland Australia


Walsh, N.G. and T.J. Entwisle (editors): Flora of Victoria Volume 2 Ferns and allied plants, conifers and monocotyledons

Walsh, N.G. and T.J. Entwisle (editors): Flora of Victoria Volume 3 Dicotyledons (Winteraceae to Myrtaceae)

Walsh, N.G. and T.J. Entwisle (editors): Flora of Victoria Volume 4 Dicotyledons (Cornanceae to Asteraceae)

Waters, Cathy, Wal Whalley and Charles Huxtable: Grassed up: guidelines for revegetating with Australian native grasses

Weber, Ewald: Invasive plant species of the world: a reference guide to environmental weeds

Wheeler, D.J.B., S.W.L. Jacobs and R.D.B. Whalley: Grasses of New South Wales 3rd edition

Wheeler, Judy, Neville Marchant and Margaret Lewington: Flora of the south west: Bunbury - Augusta - Denmark

Wilding, J.L., A.G. Barnett and R.L. Amor: Crop weeds

Wilson, Steve and Gerry Swan: Complete guide to reptiles of Australia

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