Plant Protection Quarterly |
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Volume 20 Number 4 2005 |
Research reports |
Potential for reduced-dose of synthetic aggregation pheromone of Carpophilus spp. for an attract and kill strategy in stone fruit orchard. Mofakhar S. Hossain and David G. Williams. |
126 |
Flowering and capsule production of bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia L.). F.F. Bebawi, R.J. Mayer and S.D. Campbell. |
129 |
Field evaluation of preseason applications of residual herbicides to control annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaud.). M.J. Walsh, D.M. Minkey and S.B. Powles. |
133 |
Invasion history and ecology of the environmental weed balloon vine, Cardiospermum grandiflorum Swartz, in Australia. Scott P. Carroll, Michael Mathieson and Jenella E. Loye. |
140 |
Fecundity and germination of the invasive aquatic plant, Senegal tea (Gymnocoronis spilanthoides (D.Don) DC.). Gabrielle Vivian-Smith, David Hinchliffe and Jason Weber. |
145 |
A survey of travellers carrying host fruit of Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), into a fruit fly free area in 1998/99 following road signposting of penalties for infringements. Bernie Dominiak and Idris Barchia. |
148 |
Review of community awareness at Riverina fruit fly roadblocks in New South Wales in 1998/99. Bernie Dominiak and Idris Barchia. |
154 |
Book reviews |
160 |
Annual indexes |
Subject index |
162 |
Author index |
163 |