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Weed risk assessment

By R.H. Groves, F.D. Panetta and J.G. Virtue

ISBN 064306561X, published in 2001 by CSIRO Publishing, hard cover, 256 pages

Price $A80.00 plus $A10 postage within Australia or $A30 overseas airmail

Risk assessment applied to potentially invasive plants is a new and developing discipline that may help to reduce the number of new plants entering a region that subsequently become weeds. This is the first publication to explore the discipline of risk assessment as applied to the invasion ecology of plants. Taking a global context, it synthesizes recent theories on plant invasions, introduces a variety of models for weed risk assessment, and addresses procedures for ranking invasive species on a range of scales to determine weeds of national significance. It shows how the application of risk assessment to weed invasion may help reduction of weed impact and thereby improve living conditions as well as economic and biodiversity loss.

This book is aimed both at invasion ecologists wanting to know more about their developing discipline whilst at the same time it seeks to attract the attention of policy makers and quarantine services in all regions of the world.


Weeds: an illustrated botanical guide to the weeds of Australia

By B.A. Auld and R.W. Medd

ISBN 0909605378, published in 1992 by Inkata Press, colour, soft cover, 255 pages

Price $A119.50 plus $A10 postage within Australia or $A30 overseas airmail

This book describes and illustrates plant species which are major weeds in Australia. For most weeds there are notes on the geographic origin of the species, a description and illustration, and details of distribution. An illustrated glossary of the botanical terms used and a comprehensive index of scientific and common names are provided. The authors have used a minimum of technical terms and included many photographs and line drawings so that the book can be used by primary producers, students, agricultural advisers and research workers.

Table of contents


Weeds and weed management on arable land: an ecological approach

By Sigurd Hakansson

ISBN 0851996515, published in 2003 by CABI Publishing, hardcover, 274 pages

Price $A150.00 plus $A10 postage within Australia or $A30 overseas airmail

This book deals with the appearance and management of plants with different traits occurring as weeds on arable land. It describes and discusses matters and relationships that are important as a basis for understanding the varying occurrence of weeds in different crops and cropping systems and , at the same time, the response of different weeds to specified management measures. This knowledge is particularly crucial in planning systems of weed management measures over long periods of time; in other words, in planning 'integrated weed management'.

The book will be of interest to teachers, students and researchers in weed science, and also will prove useful to those who specialise in related subjects such as agronomy, crop protection and plant ecology.

About the author

Sigurd Hakansson is from the Department of Ecology and Crop Production Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, in Uppsala, Sweden

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Classification of plants based on traits of ecological significance
  3. Annual and perennial crops
  4. Weed communities looked upon as early stages in secondary vegetation succession
  5. Weeds with diverse life forms in various types of crops
  6. Germination, emergence and establishment of crop and weed plants
  7. Competition in plant stands of short duration
  8. Weed flora and plant adaption to environment and competitive conditions
  9. Measurements of competition and competitiveness in plant stands of short duration
  10. Soil tillage effects on weeds
  11. Chemical weed control as an element in the cropping system
  12. Special management measures
  13. Important points for understanding the occurrence and rational management of weeds


Weeds: friend or foe?: an illustrated guide to identifying, taming and using weeds

By Sally Roth

ISBN 190325826X, published in 2001 by Carroll & Brown Publishers UK, colour, soft cover, 176 pages

Price $A45.00 plus $A10 postage within Australia or $A45 overseas airmail

This book is a comprehensive and beautifully illustrated guide to the advantages and disadvantages of these versatile and ever-surprising plants. It has a gallery of over 70 common garden weed varieties (nearly all of them common in temperate Australia) detailing what each weed looks like when growing and in flower. It lists each weed's potential uses, so you can assess whether or not you want to keep it and shows how to prevent, remove and control weeds.

About the author

Sally Roth is the author of and contributor to numerous popular books, including The Modern Herb Gardener and Landscaping for Dummies. She also has been a columnist and feature writer for Organic Gardening magazine and a contributing editor for Fine Gardening. She has served as a horticulture consultant to Time-Life Books, and regularly lectures in and develops workshops on gardening and natural history.

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Weeds in my garden: observations on some misunderstood plants

By Charles B. Heiser

ISBN 0881925624, published in 2003 by Timber Press Inc., hardcover, colour plates, 247 pages

Price $A39.95 plus $A10 postage within Australia or $A30 overseas airmail

This book treats about 140 weeds, arranged by family. Heiser discusses each weed according to The Name (scientific and common), The Time and Place (of flowering and from where the plant originally came from), The Description, and The Virtues (fascinating weedy tales in a witty, conversational style). Not intended to be a manual of weed identification - although the descriptions, drawings and photographs will help readers - or weed eradication, this book is for anyone interested in weeds as plants. A veritable history of weeds, it will encourage the readers to look anew at these previously unwelcome guests.

About the author

Charles B. Heiser is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Botany at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA. Since 1974 he has observed weeds in 'his garden', the Botany Experimental Field at the university. He has served as president of the Botanical Society of America, Society for the Study of Evolution, Society for Economic Botany, and American Society of Plant Taxonomists, and he is a member of the National Academy of Sciences. He is the author of Nightshades, The Sunflower, The Gourd Book , Of Plants and People, and Seed to Civilization.

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Weeds of the wet/dry tropics of Australia: a field guide

By Nicholas M. Smith

ISBN 095807008, published in 2002 by Environment Centre NT, colour, soft cover, 112 pages

Price $A24.00 plus $A5 postage within Australia. For overseas airmail please ask for a quote

This great little field guide will assist land managers to identify, control and prevent the spread of weeds, one of the most insidious threats to the biodiversity of northern Australia. Each of the 82 species included in the book, which covers Queensland, NT and WA, have colour photographs and a description, as well as information on habitat, distribution, dispersal and control.

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Western weeds: a guide to the weeds of Western Australia

By B.M.J. Hussey, G.J. Keighery, R.D. Cousens, J. Dodd and S.G. Lloyd

ISBN 0646324403, published 1997, reprinted in 2002 by Plant Protection Society of WA, colour, soft cover, 254 pages

Price $A27.50 plus $A10 postage within Australia or $A30 overseas airmail

This excellent book has now been reprinted and is available again. As it says in the introduction, there are about ten thousand known species of flowering plants growing wild in Western Australia. Ten per cent have been introduced and the rest are natives. Western Weeds is a book that will help you to identify these introduced 'weeds' in agricultural and environmental areas and in gardens throughout the State. It describes about 1000 weeds, which along with 600 colour illustrations and some line drawings fills 254 pages. Descriptions range from brief to detailed with sufficient information being given, along with the photograph, to enable identification. Diagrams to explain plant structures and to aid in identification are provided in the text. A plain English glossary of botanical terms is included along with a list of declared plants that are not yet established in Western Australia. These is also a list of plants that have been recorded in Western Australia, but not yet thought to be naturalized. The book concludes with a list of references that are useful for identifying plants and understanding their management and an index of both common and scientific names.

If you are not from the west do not be put off by the title of this book as many of the species illustrated are common in other States. Highly recommended as a very useful addition to your collection of weed books at a very low price and a most valuable book for farmers, environmentalists, gardeners, horticulturists and students.

Table of contents


Wetland plants of Queensland: a field guide

By K.M. Stephens and R.M. Dowling, Queensland Herbarium

ISBN 0643066748, published in 2002 by CSIRO Publishing, colour, soft cover, 146 pages

Price $A39.95 plus $A10 postage within Australia or $A30 overseas airmail

This practical field guide describes and illustrates in colour 90 common and widespread wetland plants found in Queensland, and gives a distribution map for each species. To assist the those readers who are keen to learn more, the book includes a series of keys to help identify those species that are not illustrated in the book but which may be encountered in the field. The keys also help to identify closely related species. There is also a glossary of technical terms.

Wetland Plants of Queensland is an invaluable resource for all those involved in the reclamation of wetlands or the treatment of wastewater, including farmers, environmentalists and all those with an interest in wetland revegetation.

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Wildflowers and plants of inland Australia

By Anne Urban

ISBN 064641688X, published in 2001 by Paul Fitzsimons, first published in 1990 by Portside Editions Pty Ltd, colour, soft cover, 240 pages

Price $A36.50 plus $A10 postage within Australia or $A30 overseas airmail

This book is destined to become one of the best-known books on the subject. It is comprehensive enough for the serious botanist, yet concisely written for most plant-lovers who simply want to know 'what plant is that?' The text- thoroughly researched and checked with other experts - provides both botanical and common names, and virtually every species described is accompanied by a full-colour photograph to aid in identification. Diagrams illustrate particular points of interest.

Apart from its interest as a reference, the book will surprise many readers with the incredible diversity of flora in the region - and even more, their stunning natural beauty.

About the author

Anne Urban graduated with an MBBS from Melbourne University in 1950. Three years later she married Victor, a Czechoslovakian refugee, and the couple raised four children. Moving the family to Alice Springs in 1966, Anne commenced work in the field of community health, directing special attention to the problems of handicapped children. This work won her a World Health Organisation Fellowship for overseas post-graduate study, and in 1980, and OAM in recognition of her efforts on their behalf. Residence in colourful central Australia prompted Anne to take an interest in both arid area botany and bush photography. These were combined in this book - the result of six years of intensive fieldwork and study.

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Wildflowers of Sydney and adjoining areas

By Alan Fairley

ISBN 187647338X, published in 2001 by Bloomings Books, colour, soft cover, 278 pages

Price $A32.95 plus $A10 postage within Australia or $A30 overseas airmail

The Sydney district is one of the great wildflower regions of the world with over 1500 species occurring within an hour's drive of the city centre. This field guide contains 268 of the more common species, or those with striking attributes. Each page is devoted to a single plant - there is a full-colour photograph and a straightforward description, overall distribution, flowering period, habitat, particular notes and information on its specific location.

Wildflowers of Sydney aims to encourage an appreciation of the floral beauty and variety of this area, and to foster the conservation and wise management of plant communities so they will be here for future generations to enjoy.

This guide engagingly and authoritatively introduces the wealth of wildflowers that are easily accessible to everyone living in or visiting the city of Sydney.

About the author

Alan Fairley has lived in the Sydney area all his life and has been fascinated by natural history, particularly the local flora. He has been writing about and photographing native plants for three decades. He grew up on the margins of Ku-ring-gai Chase, and an interest in bushwalking and writing combined with a curiosity about natural systems led to his first book in 1972. His 25 books include guides to national parks, bushwalking and natural history topics. Together with Philip Moore he compiled the authoritative Native plants of the Sydney region.

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Wildflowers of Victoria and adjoining areas

By Margaret G. Corrick and Bruce A. Fuhrer

ISBN 1876473142, published in 2001 by Bloomings Books, colour, hard cover, 246 pages

Price $A59.95 plus $A10 postage within Australia or $A30 overseas airmail

This book provides a comprehensive coverage of Victoria's native wildflowers with 840 colour photographs, mainly by Bruce Fuhrer, the outstanding botanical photographer. Some of the State's rarest plants are included as well as many species which are widespread.

The introduction gives a brief overview of the natural regions of the State with reference to National Parks and bushland areas known for their diversity and richness of flowering plants.

The busk of the book contains superb colour photographs of the flowering plants, the majority taken close up to display the details of individual flowers and leaves. There are brief plant descriptions, with notes on habitat and distribution, including occurrences in other States and overseas. The text is simply written with a minimum of botanical terms that are covered in an excellent glossary.

Not since the publication in 1968 of Flowers and plants of Victoria of which Bruce Fuhrer was a joint author, has such a wide selection of the State's flora appeared in colour in the one volume. Only 50 of the plants illustrated in the book are confined to Victoria and the remainder are found in similar habitats in other States, making the book a useful reference work, particularly in adjoining areas of south-eastern Australia.

'It is an excellent publication which will be of value for people who are just beginning to explore Victoria's floral heritage through to those who are already familiar with many of these plants, but who also know that there is always more for all of us to learn, experience and enjoy.' Rodger Elliot

About the authors

Margaret Corrick has enjoyed a long association with the National Herbarium of Victoria, where she was first employed as a Botanical Assistant and later as a Technical Officer curating the Herbarium's Australian collection. She is a contributing author to the book Flora of Victoria Volume 3. In 1995 she was made an Honorary Associate of the Royal Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium of Victoria.

Bruce Fuhrer is a highly regarded botanical photographer and author. In 1989 he was awarded the Australia Natural History Medallion. In 1991 he received an honorary M.Sc. from Monash University in Melbourne, where he worked for nearly 25 years in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. On his retirement in 1996 he was appointed an Honorary Research Associate at Monash. He is the author of A field companion to Australian fungi and co-author and illustrator of several other botanical publications.

In 1996 the two authors collaborated in the successful publication of Wildflowers in southern Western Australia.

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